Monday, April 28, 2014

FREE! Summer Shakespeare is a five-week summer intensive. Twenty-four students are selected to train five days a week in voice, movement and scene study (50 hours of classes total). The program culminates with a production of an abbreviated Shakespeare play. Summer Shakespeare is an intensive program that requires the quick understanding and execution of new skills.

Session: July 7th – August 8th, 2014
Summer Shakespeare is a five-week summer intensive. Twenty-four students are selected to train five days a week in voice, movement and scene study (50 hours of classes total). The program culminates with a production of an abbreviated Shakespeare play. Summer Shakespeare is an intensive program that requires the quick understanding and execution of new skills.


How are students selected for this program?
  • -Applicants must be enrolled in a New York City high school
  • -Applicants must demonstrate financial need (priority consideration for students who receive free lunch or reduced lunch)
  • -Applicants must demonstrate a need for arts exposure (priority consideration for students who do not have access to arts programming)
  • -Applicants must follow application instructions (in particular, bringing a monologue from a published play keeps a student qualified; bringing a monologue from the internet or YouTube disqualifies students)
Please note: This program adheres to a strict attendance policy and professional standards. All students must be on time and ready to participate in all classes. Those who are unprepared or late will be excused from the program.

How to Apply

Interviews will be held at the Stella Adler Studio from May 19th – May 23rd from 4pm-6pm. Please call the studio at 212-689-0087 to schedule an interview appointment for the “Outreach Summer Shakespeare Program.”
If a student is invited to a callback, callbacks will be held on any of the following days: May 27,28, or 29 from 4pm-7pm. Students only need to attend one callback session.

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