Saturday, April 26, 2014

CASH money, folks. NYCLU multi-media contest... Due: May 14, 2014 Choose a topic – racial justice, LGBT rights, women’s equality, immigrants’ rights, equal access to education, freedom of speech or something else. Then make some noise. Let New York City hear your voice, and tell us what civil rights issues impact your generation the most…

More than 50 years ago, the civil rights movement reached its peak in the fight for racial justice and equality for all. From sit-ins to speak outs, marches to mass demonstrations, Americans expressed their outrage about current conditions, and their dreams for a more equal society.
Tell us what civil rights issues impact you, your school, community or country the most.
Choose a topic – racial justice, LGBT rights, women’s equality, immigrants’ rights, equal access to education, freedom of speech or something else. Then make some noise. Let New York City hear your voice, and tell us what civil rights issues impact your generation the most…

We want to know what issues matter to you most.
Cash prizes! No topic is off limits. All mediums are accepted.
Deadline to submit is Wednesday, May 14, 2014.
To SUBMIT ONLINE, email your entry to Click the button below to download the entry form and instructions as a PDF.
To SUBMIT VIA MAIL, mail in your entry to:
NYCLU Contest
125 Broad St., 19th Floor
New York, NY 10004

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