Tuesday, April 8, 2014

FREE! GIrls Write Now! Due: June 1. 2014

Girls Write NOW!


Be a mentee

“When I was 14 years old, I wrote, but I never called myself a writer until Girls Write Now told me I was. And then I couldn’t wait to call myself a writer again.” — Brittany Barker, mentee
the pages of your notebook are scribbled full
your visual story lives on Tumblr
you can’t leave your house without a pen
you don’t go to sleep without blogging your thoughts
the callus on your middle finger is big enough to have its own zip
…you sound like a Girls Write Now mentee.
Life is better in twos. Form a one-to-one mentoring relationship with a professional woman writer and mediamaker to transform the fierce words in your journal into powerful stories, poems, podcasts, plays, eBooks, blogs, and more.
Girls Write Now offers two distinct mentoring programs: the Writing and Mentoring Program and the Digital Media Mentoring Program. Each is designed to provide mentees with the tools and support to critically develop their writing skills and explore new modes of creative expression.
The 2014-15 Writing and Mentoring Program will focus on the exploration of six subgenres within the categories of poetry, fiction, memoir, journalism, and screen/playwriting. This program is recommended for girls interested in developing a body of work across genres. The 2014-15 Digital Media Mentoring Program will focus on video production and website development. It is strongly encouraged for girls who want to translate their writing into multimedia stories, develop an online portfolio of work, and build skills for internships and college.

Girls Write Now mentees

  • Form a one-to-one mentoring relationship with a professional woman writer and media makers
  • Attend monthly, half-day writing workshops that feature guest speakers who are published authors in all genres
  • Receive college prep support
  • Publicly showcase work at exhibitions and our annual public reading series
  • Publish work in our annual, award-winning anthology and other media

You are:

  • A New York City girl from any of the five boroughs
  • In grade 9-12 for the 2014-15 school year at a public high school
  • A native or non-native English speaker with mature English writing & speaking skills
  • Able to make a commitment to weekly in-person mentoring sessions, monthly Saturday workshops, and special events from September 2014 through June 2015
  • Passionate about writing in any genre or interested in digital media storytelling


Email mentee@girlswritenow.org.


Help us spread the word!

Girls Write Now Mentee Application 2014-2015
In addition to this application, please fill out the Parent/Guardian Consent FormWe also strongly encourage all applicants to have a teacher fill out the Teacher Recommendation Form. Please email the forms to mentee@girlswritenow.org or mail it to Girls Write Now, our address is listed in the form.

Please note: Although you may save the application as you go, we recommend also saving your responses in  a separate document for your records. 

Deadline: June 1, 2014.

Your application will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Early applications are strongly encouraged. Thank you for your interest in Girls Write Now.

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