Monday, February 24, 2014

The Young Scholars Program Sponsored by the Skadden, Arps Honors Program in Legal Studies Spring 2014... APPLY NOW

The Young Scholars Program
Sponsored by the Skadden, Arps Honors Program in Legal Studies

The Young Scholars Program works with high school juniors and seniors interested in exploring careers in the legal field. The program’s mission is to help students prepare for the LSAT (the Law School Admission Test) and advanced academic essay writing. Our workshops are designed to build a specific skill set tailored to the demands of the Skadden Honors Program. Upon completion of the semester-long Young Scholars Program, students will remain with the program for continued academic advisement and application review. The YS Program will remain a valuable resource to students throughout their undergraduate careers.  
Elements of the Program
- Biweekly Lessons
The bi-weekly activity will be the main aspect of the program. We will meet once every other week to concentrate on a particular topic. Each lesson will attempt to develop a crucial skill or communicate valuable information for potential law school applicants. The activities will include lessons, seminars, and panels on the following topics:
  • Argumentation theory
  • Critical thinking
  • Seminar: “What do Lawyers Do?”
  • Introduction to the LSAT
  • Panel of law school applicants
  • Professionalism workshop
  • Sample law school lesson
Our current Skadden scholars will work with students to share their experiences and help them navigate their own paths toward law school.
-Development of Application Materials
The program will work with students to help build their resumes, cover letters and personal statements. Students will leave the program with working drafts of all of these essential application materials.
The program works with high school juniors and seniors interested in legal careers. We also ask that students demonstrate a strong commitment to their coursework, either through an above average GPA or positive recommendations from instructors. We are mainly looking for seniors, but we will work with exceptional juniors as well.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us:

Jennifer Light, Deputy Director:
Matt Longo, Writing Program Coordinator:
The Young Scholars Program
(Sponsored by the Skadden, Arps Honors Program in Legal Studies)
Tuesdays 3:45-5:30PM
NAC 4/133

Contacts: Jennifer Light, Deputy Director (
     Matt Longo, Program Coordinator (

Spring 2014 Schedule

Introduction : What Do Lawyers Do?
Argumentation Theory

Introduction to the LSAT
Professional Development Workshop
Sample Law School Seminar
Critical Thinking
Closing Reception

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