Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Explore the possibility of a career in the mathematical and physical sciences this summer! The Girls’ Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Summer Program, or NYU GSTEM... DUE: April 1, 2014

Explore the possibility of a career in the mathematical and physical sciences this summer!  The Girls’ Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Summer Program, or NYU GSTEM, offered through the NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, gives current high school juniors the chance to work on real-world projects alongside scientists and researchers.
NYU GSTEM is a six-week summer program for high school girls during the summer between their junior and senior years who have high aptitude in STEM subjects.  Students will have the opportunity to receive mentoring from STEM professionals, as well as participate in classes, lectures, and field trips around New York City.
NYU GSTEM is made possible by the generous support of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

Program Details

Program Dates: Monday, July 7-Friday, August 15, 2014

The NYU GSTEM program is a noncredit college program that allows female high school students the opportunity to explore STEM subjects through hands-on lab research, lectures, class and group discussions, and excursions around New York City to industries, organizations, and sites involved in STEM fields.  The program is geared towards students who are currently juniors (to participate during the summer between their junior and senior years).
Lectures, Classes, and Discussions
Students spend the first week of the program on the NYU campus attending lectures and workshops to prepare them for the program and their individual research internships.  These classes explore all STEM areas and will help students develop a professional learning community.
After the first week, students will return to campus one day each week. During these campus days, students will gather together for guest lectures by women working in STEM fields, workshops, social events, and excursions to city museums, sites, companies, and organizations.
Research Internship
The majority of the program is spent completing research under the guidance of a faculty or professional mentor.  Students are assigned to a research internship at an academic institution or in the field based on their own research interest.
Four days each week, students will be expected to commute to their internship site to work on a small project alongside researchers and to produce a brief paper about their research, which they will present to their peers at the end of the program.  Graduate student tutors will support students and help them adjust to laboratory work, prepare their final paper and presentation, and provide other intellectual and emotional support.
NYU GSTEM is a commuter student program, and University housing will not be available to participants.

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