Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Carnegie Mellon's Summer Programs for Diversity...If you're entering your junior or senior year of high school and are considering careers in engineering, science and other math-based disciplines, you may be interested in SAMS: The Summer Academy for Mathematics and Science. Consider spending six weeks in our rigorous summer program focusing on technical areas of study. You'll build academic and personal skills required for admission to competitive colleges and universities and take part in fun and exciting summer activities.

Summer Programs for Diversity

June 28 - August 9

If you're entering your junior or senior year of high school and are considering careers in engineering, science and other math-based disciplines, you may be interested in SAMS: The Summer Academy for Mathematics and Science. Consider spending six weeks in our rigorous summer program focusing on technical areas of study. You'll build academic and personal skills required for admission to competitive colleges and universities and take part in fun and exciting summer activities.

Applying to Carnegie Mellon's Summer Programs for Diversity


Your application for admission will consist of an application form provided by Carnegie Mellon and documents you'll be required to gather from other resources (i.e. high school transcripts).

Application Requirements

All application materials must be postmarked by April 1 and be mailed together to the following address:
Summer Programs for Diversity
Office of Admission
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
  • High School Transcript - an official, recent high school transcript. This transcript should include as complete a listing as possible of your classes and grades.
  • Standardized Test Scores - your most recent PSAT, SAT Reasoning Test, PLAN or ACT with Writing standardized test results.
  • Counselor Letter of Recommendation - from your guidance counselor familiar with your work habits as well as your academic and/or artistic progress or promise, or your response to teaching/directing and spirit of cooperation in group situations. If appropriate, your guidance counselor or principal can provide information about any socioeconomic, personal or educational circumstance affecting your academic environment, either positively or negatively.
  • Teacher Letters of Recommendation - from two subject-area teachers familiar with your work habits and/or academic progress and promise, or your response to teaching/directing and spirit of cooperation in group situations
  • Activities Resumé - Description of your extracurricular activities and/or work experiences.
  • Essay #1 - a one-page, typed statement about what you as an individual would bring to Carnegie Mellon Summer Programs for Diversity to build a widely diverse community and your personal and academic goals for attending the program.
  • Essay #2 - a one-page, typed statement describing in detail some special interest, experience or achievement relative to the program you are applying to: 
    • Summer Academy for Math + Science - statement on your math/science experiences or interests
    • AP/EA - describe an academic experience or achievement
    • Architecture, Art & Design - describe your experiences in the arts
    • Drama - describe your experiences in theatre
    • Music applicants must upload the following:
      • Statement describing any past musical training and accomplishments,
      • Recent audio recording of a solo representative of your level of performance (vocal/instrumental performance applicants) or scores of recent original compositions (composition applicants)
    • National High School Game Academy - describe some special interest, experience or achievement
Age Requirement: Students must be in high school, have completed their sophomore year and be 16 to 18 years old (born between August 9, 1995 and June 29, 1998) to reside in residence halls. This does not apply to commuters. No other exceptions will be made.  
Due to the limited number of scholarships available for the Summer Programs for Diversity, we're not able to admit all applicants. For those students who aren't admitted to the Summer Programs for Diversity and would like to be considered for our Pre-College program, please check the appropriate box on the application. Visit the Pre-College website to learn more about the program and fees/costs. Financial aid is only available to U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Admission & Enrollment

Applicants will begin to receive notification of our admission decisions in early May.

How Students Are Selected to Participate in this Program

Admission to the Summer Programs for Diversity is highly competitive. We select applicants with an array of academic and extracurricular credentials; diverse socioeconomic, geographic, athletic, religious, cultural, racial and ethnic backgrounds; and wide-ranging interests, achievements and experiences. We'll be sensitive to the great variation among applicants' personal circumstances, home communities, courses studied and grades earned in high school. Scholarships are only available to U.S. citizens or permanent residents. We have the opportunity and responsibility to consider all facts in evalutating applications and to select applicants having the potential to contribute to, and be successful students in, these summer programs.

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