Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Internships and jobs at The Door...

Jobs & Internships
Get the tools you need to succeed!
Our goal at The Door is to help you reach your greatest potential. To that end, our Jobs & Internships programs offer more than just a job placement. Our programs give you the chance to explore different career paths and gain skills to help you find the right job for you and keep it.

  • EPOCH – If you are currently out of school and/or out of work and looking to finish your education, find a job or start building your career, then EPOCH is for you.

  • Young Adult Internship Program - This year-long program gives committed young adults between 16-24 years of age excellent paid work experience in a variety of professions.

  • This Way Ahead – This nine-month program is for young people who are between 16 and 21 years old, currently in school and looking to gain job and leadership skills.

  • TASI (Teens Against Sexual Ignorance) – Learn and teach others about sexual and reproductive health by leading interactive workshops throughout The Door.

  • PAUS (Peers Against Unsafe Sex) – For young people between the ages of 18-21 who want to become role models and sources of sexual health information in their communities by leading workshops in schools and other organizations.

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