FREE! New York City Girls Computer Science on 4/18. Register now!
NYU's Courant's WinC, Google & Princeton's (GWISE) 
invite you to
The annual New York City Girls Computer Science
and Engineering Conference 2013
Date: Thursday, April 18th, 2013
8:00 am - 4:00 PM
Kimmel Center- Rosenthal Pavilion, 10th floor
60 Washington Square South
New York University
( Click here to see location on Google map )
Registration will start from Feb. 24th, 2013 until March 24th, 2013
Thanks to Google and NYU's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences for funding this annual event!
New York University Women in Computing (WinC), Google, and Princeton University Graduate Women in Science and Engineering (GWISE) invites young women in 9th and 10th grade to the fourth annual New York City Girls Computer Science and Engineering Conference. The program will give young women a taste of the tremendous creativity and innovation involved in computer science and engineering or science career, and show young women how these fields can help change the world.
The event will include talks by women computer science and engineering professors, graduate and undergraduate students, demos of exciting on-going research projects in computer science and engineering at Princeton and NYU, and an engineering design competition where girls will be challenged to construct structurally-sound towers using only spaghetti sticks and gumdrops. We will also the discuss the prerequisites required from obtaining an education in computer science and engineering, as well as the undergraduate computer and science engineering experience. The goal of the program is to show young women that an education in computer science and engineering is both an attainable and rewarding goal.
Computer science, or engineering education opens doors to careers in many areas, including: scientific research, finance, communication, management consulting, environmental engineering, technology development in the developing world, music, animation, movie industry, journalism, health, biotechnology, architecture, and even law.
Contact information: wincgwise(AT) Conference Chair: Professor Sana Odeh, Department of Computer Science, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
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