Wednesday, March 6, 2013

For friends and family ages 16-24 NOT enrolled in school...

Young Adult Internship Program

NEW Young Adult Internship Program at The Door!

  • Are you a young person that is between 16-24 years of age?
  • Are you currently NOT in school or working?
  • Are you a New York Resident?
  • Would you like to earn up to $2,500?
If so this is a great opportunity to participate in our very own YAIP. We are currently seeking COMMITTED young adults who are ready to dedicat a minimum of a year of their lives to this program. As a participant, you will be able to work 25 hours a week making $7.25 an hour. We offer an array of opportunities that include placements in the nonprofit and corporate setting. Internships include child/daycare, retail, administrative, personal care, hospitality services and more! Post internship, we will provide you with assistance in getting a HS/GED Diploma, enroll in college, and/or obtain a part-time or full-time job.

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