Monday, March 18, 2013

FREE! YouthBridge-NY leaders applications... Attention rising juniors (current tenth graders)! DUE: APRIL 8, 2013

YouthBridge-NY is a nonprofit leadership development organization that convenes and trains young people to meet the challenges of an extremely diverse New York City.  YouthBridge-NY youth leaders  are proactively involved in the leadership and diversity landscape of our city and are dedicated to  improving the quality of life for all.
Enrollment is Open to High School Students Entering 11th Grade in Fall 2013 Only   

What to expect as a YouthBridge-NY leader?
Leadership development   Diversity trainings    Community service projects
Roundtable meetings with NYC’s top decision makers    Making new friends
Internship opportunities   Working with top student leaders from around NYC
Field trips and tours of local establishments (museums, other corporations, agencies, etc.)

Fellowship Commitments
• Participate in an overnight Orientation Retreat (held in late August)
• Participate in every monthly Skill-Building Workshop
• Participate in every monthly Committee meeting
 Fellows take part in one of three specialized committees: photography, grant-making, or diversity in the workplace
• Help organize and participate in the Leaders to Leaders Youth Summit
• Attend at least one YouthBridge-NY organized Community Service Project

Application Requirements
•   Complete application: Parts I, II and III 
•   Submit one letter of recommendation
•   Participate in group interview (interview will be scheduled upon receipt of complete application)
•   Applicants will know of their acceptance by early May.

(postmarked or scanned copy via email)

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