Monday, December 3, 2012

The Rockefeller University's Summer Science Research Program (SRP) is designed to offer intellectually curious, highly motivated high school students with a strong aptitude in the life or physical sciences a total-immersion experience in laboratory research.

Click here to apply for the 2013 Summer Science Research Program
The Rockefeller University's Summer Science Research Program (SRP) is designed to offer intellectually curious, highly motivated high school students with a strong aptitude in the life or physical sciences a total-immersion experience in laboratory research. Each year, approximately 35 outstanding high school students are chosen from a large number of applicants. Students are matched to a lab according to their stated field of interest and are individually mentored by graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, or lab heads. These mentors volunteer to design and supervise individualized summer projects for their students. In 2013, the seven-week program will run from June 24 through August 8. Students must be 16 years old by the start of the program in order to participate.
Scholarships are available for students demonstrating need. The SRP does not provide room and board to its participants. Most of our students come from the New York Metropolitan area; those who don't must secure their own accommodations.
Applicants to the SRP must submit:
  1. The completed on-line application form.
  2. A 350- (or fewer) word personal statement describing why the applicant is interested in spending his/her summer doing science.
  3. A commentary of 750 (or fewer) words on any of the archived Newswire articles linked from The Rockefeller University's Home Page ( Please address the following questions:
    • What interests you about the research discussed in this article?
    • How does this research relate to what you have learned in your science classes?
    • What would you do next if you were the researcher?
  4. An official transcript (with school seal); the original hard copy (no digital copies) must be mailed in by the school.
  5. Two letters of recommendation, preferably from science or math teachers or previous research mentors. Letters of recommendation should be submitted online. Instructions are provided in the application.
  6. A current curriculum vitae or resume.
  7. The Student Consent and Agreement Form, found in section eight of the online application, is to be downloaded, printed out, and signed by the student, parent(s), and a witness.
Any documents not submitted online should be mailed to:
Science Research Program
The Rockefeller University
1230 York Ave., Box 53
New York, NY 10065
Applications must be submitted no later than January 18, 2013; paper materials submitted must be postmarked by the deadline in order for the application to be considered. Final decisions will be made by late April/early May. Applicants must provide a valid e-mail address, as this is how all information will be disseminated.
Students should state a preference for working in particular areas of research. However, we cannot guarantee that specific preferences will be met. For a listing of research areas, we encourage you to visit the Research Areas section of the Rockefeller University Website: Please be advised that placement in laboratories is exclusively made through the Science Research Program Office, so students should not secure their own lab arrangements. Doing so could jeopardize consideration for acceptance into the SRP.
For help completing the application, please read our list of Frequently Asked Questions.

Questions concerning the Summer Science Research Program should be directed to:
Science Outreach Program
(212) 327-7431
E-mail to

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