Monday, December 3, 2012

Take a free class at MoMA. Join other teens in creating art, curating exhibits, and designing multimedia resources for other teens!

Take a free class at MoMA. Join other teens in creating art, curating exhibits, and designing multimedia resources for other teens.

  • Make and discuss modern and contemporary art
  • Collaborate to design programs and exhibits for other teens
  • Explore what happens behind the scenes at MoMA
CLICK@MoMA: Making Things That Make Things Happen
Tuesdays, February 5–April 18, 4:00–6:30 p.m.
Collaborate with the design firm CW&T (artists Che-Wei Wang and Taylor Levy) to explore the world of creating switches, hacking objects, and converting physical motion into digital actions. Bust things apart and see how they work, change their function, and then connect your creations to the Internet to create artwork that bridges the physical and digital divide. Send an e-mail that makes a paintball gun fire, or tear open your shirt Superman-style to send a text message to a friend. Anything’s possible when you make the things that make things happen!
Playing with Materials: Games and Experiments across Multiple Mediums
Tuesdays, February 5–April 16, 4:00–6:30 p.m.
Are you sick of being told that you need to make a choice and stick with it? Led by visual artist Mark Joshua Epstein, participants in this workshop explore and experiment with a completely different art material each week—getting messy, making mistakes, and finding new ways to bring their individual artistic visions to life. Try your hand at charcoal and chalk, sculpt using plastic or rubber, paint with wax and oil, try this, try that—it's an all-you‐can‐eat buffet of art‐making materials and techniques!
Clubs, Gangs, and Secret Societies: The Art of Working Collaboratively
Thursdays, February 7–April 18, 4:00–-6:30 p.m.
Artists have been hanging out with each other since the beginning of time—talking, thinking out loud, borrowing, sharing, stealing, and improving upon each other's ideas. Led by artists (and frequent collaborators) Kerry Downey and Douglas Paulson, participants in this course explore a vast array of experimental and collaborative methods, teaming up to form their own art collectives and working on communal art projects. What kind of world can you build together?

Take It Back! Reclaiming and Reusing Corporate Imagery
Thursdays, February 7–April 18, 4:00–-6:30 p.m.

Working with printmaker Yashua Klos, participants in this workshop investigate the visual language of advertisements and corporate logos, exploring the reasons we respond to their visual codes and finding ways to subvert their messages by making them our own. Using traditional woodblock printing techniques, the class will create their own hybrids—blurring the lines between propaganda, politics, advertising, and art!

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