Saturday, June 10, 2017

SUMMER 2017 RSVP NOW Young Leaders of Manhattan Summer Social with Borough President Brewer on June 15th!

Hello everyone,

On behalf of Borough President Gale Brewer and her Manhattan youth council, I want to invite you and/or any youth that you think might be interested to our Young Leaders of Manhattan Summer Social with Borough President Brewer on June 15th!

We invite any young people who want to get civically involved to come by, have fun, eat, and learn about how to apply to the youth council for the coming school year. We encourage any youth coming to bring friends and peers who might be interested in the BP’s youth council!

We are working on a flyer now, but here are the essential details:

WHO: The Young Leaders of Manhattan and those interested in joining the BP’s youth council for the ‘17-18 school year
WHAT: Food, music, and games (giant Jenga or Connect 4, anyone?)
WHEN: Thursday June 15th4-7 pm
WHERE: JCC Harlem, 318 West 118th Street
WHY: To celebrate your commitment to serving your city, and to recruit friends to join YLM next year!

Thank you! Please reach out if you have any questions.


Andrew Lombardi
Community Liaison
Office of Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer
1 Centre Street, 19th Floor South
New York, NY 10007
Office: (212)669-8774

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