Saturday, October 8, 2016

FALL 2016 UPDATE on American Folk Art Museum Teen Docent Project  

Congratulations to WHEELS students who have been selected to participate in the American Folk Art Museum Teen Docent Program for the 2016-2017 school year:

Jacquiana Jimenez, 2018
Jordaliz Jimenez, 2018
Eric Liz, 2017
Darianny Lopez, 2018
Christye Nunez, 2018
Rabelys Salazar, 2018.

The Teen Docent Program brings New York City high school students together with artists, curators, and educators to discuss art critically and to think creatively. Participating students explore folk and self-taught art through interdisciplinary connections. High school juniors and seniors are eligible to become teen docents at the museum. Participating students learn about the museum’s collection, special exhibitions, and careers in the arts. They hone their public speaking skills, engage in a variety of gallery activities, go on excursions, and participate in exchanges with other museum teen councils. Throughout the program, students develop their own gallery tours based on collection research. Program graduates are eligible to become Summer Teen Leaders, and have paid work experience at the museum during summer months.

As partners, schools will receive free tours led by Teen Docents for their high school students. Stay connected with the adventures, activities, and insights of our Teen Docent cohort by checking out the class blog.  See these folks to sign up for FREE tours during the year.

To learn more contact Rachel Rosen, director of education, at 212.265.1040, ext 381, or

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