Friday, October 21, 2016

Fall 2016 Interest in supporting New Yorkers in need of warm clothes? Run NYCares Coat Drive in November 2016 & December 2016.

We all know what it's like to be cold, but most of us experience it in short spurts, like on the walk to work from the subway or while at a New York Giants game in December. Now, think of that last time you were really freezing, the chill seeping right down to your bones. And then imagine having no respite, no hope of getting warm anytime soon. We run the Coat Drive because we want to ensure every New Yorker has the opportunity to stay warm, healthy, and safe over the winter.
You can register your own personal coat collection by clicking here or on the button above.
If you would like to make a clothing donation sooner, contact these agencies.


You can gather your friends, family, colleagues, or neighbors and run a coat drive of your own. In fact, it's one of the most powerful ways to bring in more coats for those who most need them. Once you register, we'll provide you with all the promotional materials you'll need. 

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