Friday, October 21, 2016

Fall 2016 Interested in anti-hunger campaigns? Support CityHarvest now!

Daily News Food Drive

Wednesday, October 26, 2016 - January 13, 2017
Help City Harvest and the Daily News collect non-perishable food to keep shelves stocked at 500 soup kitchens, food pantries and other community food programs across the city. Running a food drive helps City Harvest provide good food during the holiday season when so many of our neighbors struggle to put food on their tables regularly.

Kids Can Help Competition

All participating schools will be automatically entered into the Kids Can Help Competition – and thanks to Macmillan Children's Publishing Group, the school in each borough that collects the most food will win a prize! You may run your school's drive at any time between October 26 and January 13.
Help us reach our goal of collecting one million pounds to help feed hungry New Yorkers this holiday season!
Any business, organization or school can run a food drive for City Harvest.
Interested in donating funds? You can show your support for City Harvest by donating directly to the Daily News Virtual Food Drive, created specifically for this year's drive!

Run a Food Drive

Running a food drive is easy! Our digital tool kits provide you with all of the materials you will need to run your food drive including instructions, tips, flyers, and posters

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