About S-PREP at Columbia University
The State Pre-College Enrichment Program (S-PREP) is an academic enrichment program designed for students who are seriously interested in pursuing a career in medicine or related STEM professions. The long-range objective of the program is to increase the number of minority in healthcare and STEM fields. The program offers enrichment courses geared towards preparing students for success in math and science. The courses may include, but are not limited to the following: Anatomy, Biochemistry, Embryology, Chemistry, Genetics, Neuroscience, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Physiology, Algebra, Geometry, Pre-calculus, and Calculus. In addition, the program offers PSAT and SAT preparation courses provided by Kaplan.
S-PREP consists of two sessions (Summer and Academic Year). Classes are held from Mondays through Fridays in the Summer. While classes are held on Saturdays during the Academic Year, in the Roy and Diana Vagelos Education Center (104 Haven Ave), both morning and afternoon sessions. In addition to the rigorous academic schedule, the program offers mandatory college preparation and career development workshops, college counseling services, field trips and college tours.
Students admitted to SPREP are eligible to apply for a summer research program for high school students run by the Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute. The BRAINYAC program (Brain Research Apprenticeships In New York At Columbia) admits students with a stated interest in biomedical and specifically neuroscience research who can commit to Saturday afternoon classes starting in January and the four-week summer term (July-August). Starting in January, BRAINYAC students learn basic neuroscience concepts and laboratory skills that will prepare them for their four-week mentored research experience in a CUMC neuroscience lab during the summer. Students receive a stipend for their participation in the program. Admitted SPREP students will receive more information in October about the BRAINYAC program and how to apply.
Are you a WHEELS student with
a) a serious interest in the field of medicine/STEM
b) have an 80% average in math/science classes
c) can commit to a program like this, the deadline for the S-Prep Program at Columbia University has been extended to 9/22.
Details here-->>http://ps.columbia.edu/education/node/1996
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