Thursday, February 25, 2016

Spring 2016 Musuem of Art and Design opportunities, including PAID internships for summer 2016

Internships and Opportunities

Artslife is a seven-week paid internship program for ten high school rising sophomores and juniors in New York City. Artslife particpants work behind-the-scenes at MAD to collaborate with museum staff on special projects.
Click here for more information.

Teen Council
MAD's Teen Council is compromised of Artslife teen alumni who share a common interest in contemporary art, design and community engagement. The Teen Council plans Teen Nights and Teen & Artist workshops.

Classes and Events
Teen Night @MAD
Each Fall, MAD hosts an annual Teen Night. This night of art and entertainment features hands-on art-making workshops, gallery activities and opportunities to network with other teens.

Teen & Artist Workshops
Teen & Artist Workshops are hands-on opportunities for teens to work with artists. Selected artists are invited to share their background, training and inspiration, and lead a making workshop.
Click here for more information.

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