Thursday, February 25, 2016

Spring 2016 Mercy College Leadership Academy Apply ASAP

here is no charge for tuition and students stay in the dorm for free.  Students simply need to provide their own transportation to and from campus, as well as a check in the amount of $190 for food.  

The weeklong Leadership Academy is held at both our Westchester campus on the Hudson River and our Manhattan campus near Times Square. Students learn leadership lessons from leaders at top global companies, match a personality assessment to potential careers, and participate in team-building activities.
In addition, students visit Fortune 500 companies. Past visits have included Goldman Sachs, Young & Rubicam, Bloomberg, PWC, and MTV, among others.

We look for current juniors (rising seniors) with a passion for business. While we look for cumulative, weighted, GPAs above 90  (3.5 on 4.0 scale), we value demonstrated leadership and public speaking skills even more highly.

We have not set an official deadline yet, however, we are accepting students on a rolling basis. As spots in our program are limited we encourage students to apply early to increase their chances.

We invite you to apply by following this link:

Visit to view last year’s video!

Erica Toretta
Leadership Academy at Mercy College

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