Monday, February 29, 2016

SPRING 2016 March 12, 2016 – The Secrets to NOT Being a Broke College Student at AMNH Regsister NOW

Have you ever thought about how you will manage your money when you are in college and on your own?  Financial experts will present this FREE workshop designed especially for youth, where you will learn what you need to know to avoid breaking the bank.  They will share the inside information on:
- Creating a budget for yourself to make sure you can have fun AND pay the bills while you are in college – and beyond!
- The different components of credit, including interest rate, APR, billing cycle, late charges, annual fees, and rewards points, and how to make sure your credit score helps instead of hurts you
- Pros and cons of various credit and banking situations, including payday loans, credit cards, banks, and credit unions
- Ways to make AND save money while you are still in school, and what that means for your taxes
While designed for youth, it's always great when parents can attend with their kids so you can have these important family finance conversations together. Our financial education experts can help guide you! 

Friday, February 26, 2016

Spring 2016 Experiments in International Living summer 2016 APPLY NOW! See Daniel Morales Armstrong...

Interested in low- and/or no- cost summer travel?

Consider Experiments in International Living:

The Experiment in International Living provides summer abroad programs for high school students who want to connect deeply and engage meaningfully with the richness and complexities of another country. Participants explore the host country through hands-on experiences in local communities and through the lens of a specific theme.
Programs are designed to equip participants not only with essential cultural skills, college prep skills, and, in many cases, language skills, but also with a deeper awareness of and sensitivity to critical global issues shaping the diverse communities and regions we visit. Each year, hundreds of Experimenters come away from their summer abroad with invaluable new skills, connections, awareness, and knowledge that help them to thrive — and lead — in diverse, intercultural environments.
The Experiment is committed to providing participants from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds with access to The Experiment’s immersive cross-cultural programs through its partnerships, scholarships, and other initiatives.

Why Study Abroad with The Experiment?

  • History and Experience. A distinguished 80-plus-year history of innovative leadership in international, cross-cultural programs for youth
  • Our Programs. A thematic focus — on sustainability and the environment; arts and social change; language and cultural discovery; leadership training; or peace, politics, and human rights
  • Intercultural Learning and Cross-Cultural Communication. A long tradition of building skills in intercultural learning and cross-cultural communication through immersive activities that promote language acquisition as well as cross-cultural empathy, flexibility, resilience, and efficacy
  • Homestays. Homestays and/or other immersive community experiences designed to provide meaningful and firsthand experience living in another culture
  • A Commitment to Maximizing Health and Safety. A strong focus on health, safety, and security. Programs follow a comprehensive structure designed to maximize the well-being of all participants while they engage with the host culture and local communities.
  • Enduring Partnerships with Organizations Nationwide. Longstanding and deeply rooted relationships with Experiment partner organizations, alumni, and donors — who believe in us and what we do — facilitate access to Experiment programs and support for a diversity of participants.
  • Small and Diverse Groups. Small and diverse participant groups — typically composed of two adult group leaders and 15 participants from very different geographic, racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds
  • Our Leaders, Partners, and Staff. Outstanding student support from experienced adult group leaders, in-country partners, and Experiment staff in Vermont, all of whom contribute enormously to the educational and immersive nature of our programs

Do you know where you want to go?

Do you know what you want to focus on?

Argentina: Community Service and the Great Outdoors
Argentina: Community Service and the Great Outdoors
Explore the landscapes of Argentina and engage in community service on a summer abroad program for high school students.
Argentina: Photojournalism and Social Change
Argentina: Photojournalism and Social Change
Develop your photography skills and practice your Spanish as you explore Argentine society and social issues during a summer abroad.
China: Cultural Traditions in the North
China: Cultural Traditions in the North
Learn or advance your skills in Chinese, and experience China’s rich history and ancient sites on a summer abroad for high school students.
China: Ethnic Minorities and Contemporary Culture
China: Ethnic Minorities and Contemporary Culture
Discover the traditions and contemporary daily lives of remote minority cultures on this high school summer abroad program in China.
Costa Rica: Biodiversity, Ecology, and Sustainability
Costa Rica: Biodiversity, Ecology, and Sustainability
Explore Costa Rica’s extraordinary natural environments during a summer abroad program for high school students.

Application Process

Application Process

Painting a mural in MoroccoTake the first step toward an unforgettable summer with The Experiment. Apply online.
Please contact us at or at 800 345-2929 with any questions.

Important 2016 Deadlines

January 20 – Admissions & financial aid applications due for applicants applying to The Experiment Leadership Institute.
March 1 – Admissions & financial aid applications due* for applicants seeking need-based financial aid/scholarships from The Experiment.
April 15 – Applications for admissions due
(Note: If you are a partner student, your admissions and financial aid application deadline is on January 15.)
Admissions and financial aid applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Programs fill quickly, and although our financial aid deadline is on March 1st, there is more financial aid funding earlier in the process. Please apply early!
* Students must submit their enrollment deposit within two weeks of financial aid award notification.

Application Checklist

The application process has two steps. The first is your application for admission to The Experiment, and the second is the submission of your confirmation materials.
In your online application for admission, you will be asked to complete an application form with personal information; short answers; anessay of between 300 and 500 words; and one letter of reference from a teacher, mentor, advisor, or coach.
Once you complete your application for admission, you will be asked to submit, via the online application portal, your confirmation materials, including all of the items on the tabs below.?

A Note to Parents/Guardians

After your child submits his or her online application, if your email address was entered, you will receive login credentials to The Experiment’s parent/guardian resource website, where you can view your child's application, update your contact information, download confirmation materials, and enter additional information about your child. To access the parent/guardian site, you or your child must enter a unique email address on your child's application.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Spring 2016 for right now and summer 2016

Word Up Book store Sifts (3.5 hours/week, minimum) for all community members seeking membership.

Spring 2016 WHEELS Student Translators needed for our final SLC this spring 2016

Spring 2016 WHEELS Student Translators needed for our final SLC this spring 2016 

See Ms. Hernandez ASAP if interested. 

Spring 2016 for summer 2016 Interested in low and no cost international travel options? Attend an interest meeting for Experiment in International Living in room 420 at 2 PM on FRIDAY February 26, 2016

Y'all will need their passport number to access the app but don't need to bring anything in advance...

Interested in low and no cost international travel options? 
Attend an interest meeting for Experiment in International Living
in room 420
at 2 PM
on FRIDAY February 26, 2016.

Questions?  See Ms. MacNeil or Mr. Daniel. 

Spring 2016 SYEP for summer 2016

The Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) provides New York City youth between the ages of 14 and 24 with paid summer employment for up to six weeks in July and August.  Participants work in a variety of entry-level jobs including:
  • Government Agencies
  • Hospitals
  • Summer Camps
  • Non-Profits
  • Small Businesses
  • Law Firms
  • Museums
  • Sports Enterprises
  • Retail Organizations
SYEP also provides workshops on job readiness, career exploration, financial literacy and opportunities to continue education and social growth.
Programs are located in community-based organizations in all five boroughs of New York City. Youth can apply for the program online or at a community-based organization during the application period.  Participants are selected by lottery for the program.
Specialized programming for disabled, foster care, runaway/homeless and court-involved youth are also available.

Apply on line March 2016

Spring 2016 for summer 2016 Sadie Nash PAID summer internships for folks who identify as girls and women (including trans identified folks)


This application is our way to get to know YOU better! We already believe that you are a leader and this your space to tell more about more that leadership. Have fun with it!

Sadie Nash is committed to diversity and inclusion meaning we serve all self-identified young women (this includes young people who identify as trans).

Our Summer Institute is an intensive 6-week program that will run from July 5 - August 12, 2016, Monday through Friday from 10am - 4:30pm.

To help you cover your expenses (food and transportation) during the summer you will receive a stipend during the program for everyday that you are there. You only receive the stipend when you are at the program because it covers those two direct costs that come with attendance.

SNLP does not allow more than 3 absences during the summer program. SNLP requires attendance for both the strength of the community and to enhance your experience.

We are so excited to meet you. The SNLP application is below. Please make sure to fill the entire application out now and click through to the final "Thank You" page. At the end, there will be more information on next steps and dates for interviews (make sure to look under the city you are applying to: Newark, NJ or New York City). Please see our application here>> 

We accept applications on a rolling basis and strongly encourage you to send in your application as early as possible - spaces in the programs fill up quickly!

New York City:

If you apply by:
March 4th,
your interview will be on:
March 11th

If you apply by:
March 18th,
your interview will be on:
March 25th

If you apply by:
April 1st,
your interview will be on:
April 8th

If you apply by:
April 15th,
your interview will be on:
April 22nd

If you apply by:
April 29th (FINAL Deadline),
your interview will be on:
May 6th (FINAL Interview)

If you would like a presentation at your NYC school/organization, please complete the form here.

Mailing Address:
Sadie Nash Leadership Project
4 W 43rd Street, Suite 502
New York, NY 10036
Fax: 212.391.8663

Spring 2016 Musuem of Art and Design opportunities, including PAID internships for summer 2016

Internships and Opportunities

Artslife is a seven-week paid internship program for ten high school rising sophomores and juniors in New York City. Artslife particpants work behind-the-scenes at MAD to collaborate with museum staff on special projects.
Click here for more information.

Teen Council
MAD's Teen Council is compromised of Artslife teen alumni who share a common interest in contemporary art, design and community engagement. The Teen Council plans Teen Nights and Teen & Artist workshops.

Classes and Events
Teen Night @MAD
Each Fall, MAD hosts an annual Teen Night. This night of art and entertainment features hands-on art-making workshops, gallery activities and opportunities to network with other teens.

Teen & Artist Workshops
Teen & Artist Workshops are hands-on opportunities for teens to work with artists. Selected artists are invited to share their background, training and inspiration, and lead a making workshop.
Click here for more information.

Spring 2016 for summer 2016 for English Language Learners, folks for whom English is a new language College Career Readiness Saturday Instructional Program

The Division of English Language Learners and Student Support (DELLSS), in partnership with the Office of Postsecondary Readiness (OPSR), is offering high school students the opportunity to participate in the College Career Readiness Saturday Instructional Program. The College Career Readiness Saturday Instructional Program targets high school immigrant students, including English language learners, who aspire to enroll in a college or university. The program focuses on strengthening students’ linguistic development across content areas, supporting them to meet the challenges of high school, and preparing them for college and careers through research, exploration, preparation, and academic support. Students will attend classes at colleges and universities throughout the city, visit campuses, prepare for college admission exams, college admission interviews, essay writing, and create portfolios for the admission process.  

To read more about the program, read this article by the Fordham News
For registration, click here or visit
For questions, contact Gilberto Garcia (

Spring 2016 for summer 2016... Application deadline March 18, 2016 Thurgood Marshall Summer Law Internship Program (TMSLI)

We are pleased to announce the return of the Thurgood Marshall Summer Law Internship Program (TMSLI) for summer 2016.  TMSLI is an intensive program which places high-achieving inner-city high school students with legal employers for the summer, and provides them with additional programming before, during, and after the summer designed to help them prepare for a legal career. The deadline to apply is Friday, March 18.

Open to:

•              High school juniors and seniors (age 16+)
•              Students enrolled in the Law & Justice Program at their school or have a demonstrated interest in the law
•              Students with above-average grades

Please take advantage of this great student opportunity and share with interested and eligible  students.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Monica Parks, copied, from the NYC Bar Association at 212-382-6772. Thank you.

Spring 2016 for summer 2016 Christodora, Inc. and Hk Maker Lab at Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

  • Manice Education Center, which offers four summer sessions of environmental science, wilderness expeditions and leadership training courses for motivated students ages 11-18.
  • Summer Ecology Program, which provides an opportunity for specially selected urban high school students to explore forest ecosystems and conduct original field research.

Hk Maker Lab at Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
A six week engineering design and entrepreneurship program. Last year, the students designed, prototyped and built a solution to a global health problem.

Spring 2016 Mercy College Leadership Academy Apply ASAP

here is no charge for tuition and students stay in the dorm for free.  Students simply need to provide their own transportation to and from campus, as well as a check in the amount of $190 for food.  

The weeklong Leadership Academy is held at both our Westchester campus on the Hudson River and our Manhattan campus near Times Square. Students learn leadership lessons from leaders at top global companies, match a personality assessment to potential careers, and participate in team-building activities.
In addition, students visit Fortune 500 companies. Past visits have included Goldman Sachs, Young & Rubicam, Bloomberg, PWC, and MTV, among others.

We look for current juniors (rising seniors) with a passion for business. While we look for cumulative, weighted, GPAs above 90  (3.5 on 4.0 scale), we value demonstrated leadership and public speaking skills even more highly.

We have not set an official deadline yet, however, we are accepting students on a rolling basis. As spots in our program are limited we encourage students to apply early to increase their chances.

We invite you to apply by following this link:

Visit to view last year’s video!

Erica Toretta
Leadership Academy at Mercy College

Spring 2016 Sunday February 27, 2016 Morris-Jumel Mansion in Roger Morris Park Accessible 65 Jumel Terrace Manhattan

Yoga with Awesome Asana

Sunday, February 28, 2016
1:00 p.m.2:05 p.m.
This event repeats every week on Sunday between 1/17/2016 and 4/17/2016.
Every Sunday at 1 p.m. at Morris-Jumel Mansion, certified yoga instructor Chelsea Best conducts Awesome Asana Yoga, an open-level Vinyasa class designed to accommodate beginners and experts alike.
All are welcome, and mats, if you haven’t one, are provided.


Morris-Jumel Mansion in Roger Morris Park Accessible
65 Jumel Terrace
Directions to this location


The class is $5. No registration is required.

Event Organizer

Morris-Jumel Mansion

Contact Number

(212) 923-8008

Contact Email

Spring 2016 Sunday February 27, 2016 Our Urban Park Ranger hiking guides will introduce you to the hidden gems of New York City. This hike will strengthen your winter tree ID skills as you learn about different characteristics and traits to look for, in order to identify trees without their leaves.

Winter Tree ID

Sunday, February 28, 2016
1:00 p.m.2:30 p.m.
Our Urban Park Ranger hiking guides will introduce you to the hidden gems of New York City. This hike will strengthen your winter tree ID skills as you learn about different characteristics and traits to look for, in order to identify trees without their leaves.


Isham Street and Seaman Avenue in Inwood Hill Park
Directions to this location



Event Organizer

Urban Park Rangers

Contact Number

(212) 628-2345

Spring 2016... A not-quite-random sampling of summer 2016 options for rising juniors and seniors (mostly)...

Spring 2016 Apply to the Council of Young Leaders of Manhattan today! Deadline is next Friday, March 4, at midnight.

Are you ready to make your voice heard by the politicians and leaders of New York City? Do you want to try something new, meet other motivated young people, learn about new parts of the City, and gain experience in politics?

Then click here to apply to the Council of Young Leaders of Manhattan today!

Deadline is next Friday, March 4, at midnight.

See below for more details, and please reach out if you have any questions. You don’t need to have experience—you just need to want it!


Andrew Lombardi
Community Liaison
Office of Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer
1 Centre Street, 19th Floor South
New York, NY 10007
Office: (212)669-8774

Spring 2016 Don’t forget to register for our upcoming Potential to Power Girls Symposium on May 23rd!

Don’t forget to register for our upcoming Potential to Power Girls Symposium on May 23rd! Use our registration link to sign up a group of girls for the event. Registration will close on March 11th.

Also – please join us at our upcoming STEAAMocracy event on Thursday, March 3rd! Please see the information below.


Spring 2016 From our friends at the American Museum of Natural History... SUMMER PROGRAMS. APPLY NOW!

From our friends at the American Museum of Natural History...

Saltz Interns use hands-on interactives and technologies, such as an infrared camera and digital USB microscopes, to guide visitors of all ages in investigations of artifacts and specimens. The high school students meet Museum scientists, explore scientific content, learn valuable skills for working with and teaching learners of all ages, and have an impact on the experiences of thousands of Museum visitors. Interns must be between the ages of 16 and 18. Application Deadline is April 3, 2016. To apply visit the Saltz webpage via the link provided.

Saltz Internship applicants MUST:
  • Live or attend high school in New York City.
  • Be 16-18 years old.
  • Complete and submit the online application form.
Application Requirements
  • A thoughtful essay between 3 and 4 paragraphs in length  
    • Please write a 3 – 4 paragraph essay about yourself that addresses the following questions:
      - Why are you a good candidate for the Saltz Internship Program?
      - Why are you interested in the sciences?
      - How will this experience at the Museum help you further your academic and career goals?
  • One Recommendation Letter
    • One letter of recommendation must be submitted for your application to be complete. Your letter of recommendation should come from a teacher, or another adult who knows you, such as someone from your youth program, after-school program, or workplace. Your  letter of recommendation should NOT come from a parent or family member. Please provide your recommender with this web link  where they can submit their recommendation letter.
NYU Tandon School of Engineering is once again running the Applied Research Innovations in Science and Engineering (ARISE) program.  This selective program is for academically strong, current 10th and 11th grade New York City students with a demonstrated interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
This full-time, seven week program includes: college level workshops and seminars, a high level research experience in participating NYU faculty labs, and mentoring in that placement by a graduate or postdoctoral student.  In the seminars and workshops, students will be introduced to  the scientific method and ethics, data collection and analysis, research practices and lab safety.  With their mentors, ARISE participants will spend the latter five weeks of the program in these placements where they will make practical contributions to their lab’s research objectives, which span engineering, life sciences, and computer and data sciences. Students will also receive training in presentation and public speaking skills, in collaboration with ARISE’s partners at Irondale Ensemble Project, and give their research findings at the program’s concluding colloquium.
Students from demographic groups underrepresented in STEM disciplines and careers, including women, students of color and those from low – income backgrounds, are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • New York City residents who are completing 10th or 11th grade in June 2016.
  • Academically prepared, highly motivated students.
  • Applicants with a passion for science, technology, engineering and math.
  • Students who will attend the entire program, full time (approximately a 9 to 5 day, Monday-Friday), from July 6, 2016 to August 19, 2016, and an orientation on July 05, 2016.
  • Responsible students who have demonstrated: an ability to make and fulfill commitments, timeliness and persistence
Applications are due MARCH 1, 2016.


Wave Hill in the Bronx is now accepting applications for our two paid High School Internship programs. The 14-month Woodland Ecology Research Mentorship (WERM) provides current freshman, sophomores, and juniors a unique opportunity to work with local ecologists and participate in ecological research projects. The application deadline for this program is April 3rd, 2016. For more information and the online application please go to

The 7-week Forest Project is open to current sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Interns work in small, supervised crews to help restore woodland areas at Wave Hill. The application deadline for this program is March 20th, 2016. For more information and the online application please go to 

Wave Hill staff would be delighted to make a presentation at your school during the coming weeks. Presentations last approximately 10 to 20 minutes. We would be happy to make several presentations in one day. Please email Barry Kogan at to arrange for a presentation.

Applications are now open for the summer 2016 High School Initiative in Remote Sensing of the Earth Systems Science and Technology (HIRES) internship through the CREST Institute at City College.  Eligible students (preferably 10th and 11th graders) that complete the entire program will receive a stipend and 3 college credits. Students will work on a NOAA science project alongside faculty and scientists. Here is the web link to submit the application -
Please note that the deadline for submitting the application is March 15, 2016.  Please encourage students to read the program requirements carefully before they apply. The application must be fully completed in order to be considered for this program and be eligible for 3 college credits.