Friday, October 10, 2014

Youth Workforce Development Programs through the Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation.

Youth Workforce Development Programs through the Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation.
All of NMIC's programs are FREE opportunities for advancing the educational and occupational skills of disengages young adults.
*         Young Adult Internship Program: The Young Adult Internship Program (YAIP) serves young adults aged 17-24 who are unemployed and not in school. YAIP's goal is to prepare participants for the workforce through job readiness training and a paid internship in an area of individual interest. For more information, call 212-453-5381 / 212-453-5366 / 212-453-5394.
*         YouthBuild: YouthBuild is a program for Out-of-School youth (ages 17-24) who do not have a High School Diploma or GED/HSE. Participants will receive High School Equivalency Instruction, Construction Apprentice Training, and Leadership Development. Job placement assistance will be provided upon completion of the program. For more information, call 212-453-5381 / 212-822-8355.
Youth Empowered To Succeed (YES): The Youth Empowered To Succeed (YES) program for Out-of-School Youth (OSY) at NMIC serves young adults aged 16-21 who are not connected to school or work and need assistance in upgrading their occupational skills. Participants receive Construction Training (HBI PACT & OSHA 10 hr) and job placement assistance upon completion of the program. For more information, call 212-453-5399 / 212-453-5381 / 212-822-8355.

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