Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Looking to volunteer? Consider becoming a reading buddy for WHEELS middle school students!

WHAT DO I DO?  WHERE DO I GO?1)     12:35 ~ Lunch:        Either come to the cafeteria at 12:35 and go straight to line to eat lunch, or go directly to 
Ms. Corvino’s office (Rm. 318) with your lunch from home.

12:35-12:45 ~ Eat:In table at Rm. 318.  When done, pick up Reading Buddy folder.

 12:45-1:05 ~ Read with Your Buddy!Go to Rm. 347 to meet your reading buddy, who will already be there waiting for you.  Read the student’s book aloud to him/er.  You can stop and talk about the book, ask comprehension questions, etc., but make sure the student doesn’t trap you into talking about other things!

 1:05-1:10 ~ DocumentWrite in the tracker what you did with your student today.  Leave your folder in Ms. Corvino’s office and head back to class

******************************************************Karen Corvino Assistant Principal, Middle School Washington Heights Expeditionary Learning School (WHEELS)511 W. 182nd Street, Rm. 318New York, NY   10033(212) 781-0524 (p)(212) 781-0742 (f)

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