Friday, October 10, 2014

March & Rally for Housing Justice There will be educational materials on how you can fight to protect, preserve and improve New York City's housing. The route begins on 3333 Broadway( 135th and Broadway) at 12:00 pm and will end at 650 Academy St in front of IS 52 at 5:00pm. Save the date: Saturday, October 25th (afternoon). To get involved, email

March & Rally for Housing Justice
Rent regulations are due to expire on June 30th of next year. Join your neighbors in demanding stronger regulations, that will benefit millions of New Yorkers living in rent-controlled and rent-stabilized apartments. There will be educational materials on how you can fight to protect, preserve and improve New York City's housing. The route begins on 3333 Broadway( 135th and Broadway) at 12:00 pm and will end at 650 Academy St in front of IS 52 at 5:00pm. Save the date: Saturday, October 25th (afternoon). To get involved, email

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