Do You or Your family Need Health Insurance?In-person assistance in English and Spanish for Medicaid, Child Health Plus, and NYC Qualified plans. At Nomaa Arts, 178 Bennett Ave. 3rd floor. For more information, call 212-233-8955 ext.127. Every Tuesday, 1pm - 6pm
Monday, October 27, 2014
Do You or Your family Need Health Insurance? In-person assistance in English and Spanish for Medicaid, Child Health Plus, and NYC Qualified plans. At Nomaa Arts, 178 Bennett Ave. 3rd floor. For more information, call 212-233-8955 ext.127. Every Tuesday, 1pm - 6pm
Lots of Adult Ed & Young Adult Ed at the Northern Manhattan Improvement Corp. Including the Youth Empowered to Succeed ("YES") program for out-of-school youth, Young Adult Internship Program, Adult Ed & Worforce Development, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Citizenship Preparation, GED, Strong Fathers/Stronger Families, and more. NMIC is located at 76 Wadsworth Ave. Their programs are FREE. For more information and scheduling, call 212-822-8300 or visit
Lots of Adult Ed & Young Adult Ed at the Northern Manhattan Improvement Corp.Including the Youth Empowered to Succeed ("YES") program for out-of-school youth, Young Adult Internship Program, Adult Ed & Worforce Development, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Citizenship Preparation, GED, Strong Fathers/Stronger Families, and more. NMIC is located at 76 Wadsworth Ave. Their programs are FREE. For more information and scheduling, call 212-822-8300 or visit
Youth Workforce Development Programs through the Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation.
Youth Workforce Development Programs through the Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation.All of NMIC's programs are FREE opportunities for advancing the educational and occupational skills of disengaged young adults.* Young Adult Internship Program: The Young Adult Internship Program (YAIP) serves young adults aged 17-24 who are unemployed and not in school. YAIP's goal is to prepare participants for the workforce through job readiness training and a paid internship in an area of individual interest. For more information, call 212-453-5381 / 212-453-5366 / 212-453-5394.* YouthBuild: YouthBuild is a program for Out-of-School youth (ages 17-24) who do not have a High School Diploma or GED/HSE. Participants will receive High School Equivalency Instruction, Construction Apprentice Training, and Leadership Development. Job placement assistance will be provided upon completion of the program. For more information, call 212-453-5381 / 212-822-8355.Youth Empowered To Succeed (YES): The Youth Empowered To Succeed (YES) program for Out-of-School Youth (OSY) at NMIC serves young adults aged 16-21 who are not connected to school or work and need assistance in upgrading their occupational skills. Participants receive Construction Training (HBI PACT & OSHA 10 hr) and job placement assistance upon completion of the program. For more information, call 212-453-5399 / 212-453-5381 / 212-822-8355.
UPCOMING OPPORTUNITY: Up to $100K in Grants Available for Creative Initiatives to Enhance Local Commercial Districts
UPCOMING OPPORTUNITY: Up to $100K in Grants Available for Creative Initiatives to Enhance Local Commercial DistrictsThe NYC Department of Small Business Services, in partnership with the New York City Economic Development Corporation and the New York City Business Assistance Corporation, has launched Neighborhood Challenge. This is a competitive grant initiative designed to encourage Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) and Community-based Development Organizations (CBDOs) throughout the five boroughs to execute innovative and forward-thinking ideas that address challenges faced in many business corridors. Grant awards of $30,000, $60,000, and $100,000 will be given to the boldest ideas in four categories. These projects will solve small business challenges, generate community and economic impact, and receive local recognition upon implementation. Neighborhood Challenge project concepts must be submitted online no later than Wednesday, November 5th, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. in order to be considered for funding. Based on the strength of the project concept, eligible organizations will be invited to submit a full project proposal by mid-November.Neighborhood Challenge awardees will be announced in early December. For any questions or for more information please email
CUNY in the Heights Division of Continuing Education & Workforce Development
CUNY in the Heights Division of Continuing Education & Workforce Development Lots of affordable and convenient classes, many of which can be taken individually or as part of a certificate program. Classes include computer training (graphic design, code development, InDesign, social media for business, etc.), certification courses for Personal Fitness Trainer, Teacher Assistant, Security Guard; Healthcare Certification (CNA, CPR/AED, ECG/EKG, phlebotomy, Pharmacy Tech, Dental Assistant, Dialysis Tech, medical billing/coding specialist, Spanish for Medical Professionals); Education & Language Arts (including SAT prep, ESL, GED and more); enrichment programs; Saturday "College for Kids" offering both academic and cultural enrichment, and much, much more! At 5030 Broadway, btw. W. 213th / W. 214th Streets. Call 212-567-7132, email or for scheduling information.
Green Jobs Training Program...For more information: . Although the current program is full, check back in September for their upcoming schedule.
Green Jobs Training ProgramIs a free program that prepares unemployed and underemployed adults for careers in Waste Management, Green Cleaning and Housekeeping, and Building Operations and Maintenance. This free, 12-day program of NYDesigns and LaGuardia Community College is offered in collaboration with Queens Botanical Garden. During the 12 days of full-time training, participants are introduced to the basic concepts of environmental sustainability; participate in intensive resume, computer, and interview skills workshops; receive 10-hour OSHA training; and gain in-depth knowledge of one of three emerging green sectors: Waste Management, Green Cleaning and Housekeeping, and Building Operations and Maintenance. Graduates of the Green Jobs Training Program receive a certificate from the LaGuardia's Division of Adult and Continuing Education, and all qualifying participants receive a 10-hour OSHA card-valid for up to five years. Our employment team provides graduates with a year of follow-up services in the form of case management, resume and cover letter support, job application assistance, and referrals to employer partners. To qualify, applicants must be 18 or older, be proficient in the English language, have a GED or high school diploma, and be legally eligible to work in the U.S. For more information, or for press inquiries, contact. Although the current program is full, check back in September for their upcoming schedule.
Apply now to be a TEP Reading Buddy TEP reading buddy is a new after school program designed for TEP 5th graders. The reading buddies will be matched with a 5th grade student and read together from 4-5pm, 2 afternoons each week at TEP. Washington Heights community members are strongly encouraged to apply!! English Fluency is required. The Reading buddies will be paid $15/hour.
Apply now to be a TEP Reading BuddyTEP reading buddy is a new after school program designed for TEP 5th graders. The reading buddies will be matched with a 5th grade student and read together from 4-5pm, 2 afternoons each week at TEP. Washington Heights community members are strongly encouraged to apply!! English Fluency is required. The Reading buddies will be paid $15/hour. Strong and Enthusiastic readers who can commit 2 days per week for the entire school year are encouraged to apply. You can apply here:
School Crossing Guard School Crossing Guard applications available at the 34th Precinct. $9.88 to start, $12.90/hour after 3 years of service. Health benefits (with 20+ hours worked per week.)
School Crossing GuardSchool Crossing Guard applications available at the 34th Precinct. $9.88 to start, $12.90/hour after 3 years of service. Health benefits (with 20+ hours worked per week.) No formal education but candidates must be able to understand and be understood in English. Please call 212-927-0287 for more information
Job and Volunteer Oportunities with the The New York Restoration Project
Job and Volunteer Oportunities with the The New York Restoration ProjectThe New York Restoration Project ( NYRP) is seeking parks & garden crew members and volunteers to beautify and clean up green areas throughout the city. Volunteer projects in Northern Manhattan will include the maintenance and the restoration of Sherman Creek and Highbridge park. Community Service positions will begin in October 2014 for an 11 month term of service.For more information please visit: opportunities/americorps- parks-and-gardens-crew- environmental-stewards/
Story Time for Kids Story Time is back! Bring your kids to hear their favorite stories read out loud by experienced, trained readers. At Word Up! Community Bookstore, 2113 Amsterdam Ave. at W. 165th St. Saturdays, noon - 1pm.
Story Time for KidsStory Time is back! Bring your kids to hear their favorite stories read out loud by experienced, trained readers. At Word Up! Community Bookstore, 2113 Amsterdam Ave. at W. 165th St. Saturdays, noon - 1pm.
The Cornerstone Chorale is Now Auditioning Choral Singers of All Voice Types
The Cornerstone Chorale is Now Auditioning Choral Singers of All Voice Types Cornerstone Chorale is a community chorus in the Washington Heights/Inwood neighborhood. The chorus rehearses on Monday nights in season and performs several concerts annually. New members welcome! For more information or to arrange for an audition, please call Richard Stout, Musical Director, 212-795-5738. For more information,
Word Up's first College Prep Program will be facilitated every week by a writing consultant from Columbia University.
College Prep ProgramWord Up's first College Prep Program will be facilitated every week by a writing consultant from Columbia University. Each week, high school juniors and seniors will work on personal statements and college application and scholarship materials.
Pay What You Can.
At Word Up! Community Bookstore,
2113 Amsterdam Ave. at W. 165th St.
Thursdays, 4:45pm-6:15pm.
Circle Up with the People's Theater Project t the Alianza Cultural Center (530 W. 166th St). Saturdays from 9:30am - 1pm, beginning October 18th, through December 13th.
Circle Up with the People's Theater ProjectRegistration is now open for Circle Up, our new theater program that picks up where the Live Your Life program leaves off. Over the past 5 years, our youngest actors have created original plays inspired by the 10 Habits of Healthy Kids. We'll keep talking about the importance of personal health, but are excited to add family and community health to the conversation. Circle Up is People's Theater Project's FREE theater program for children ages 6-12, sponsored by New-York Presbyterian Hospital. In Circle Up, children engage in theater games, improvisation and physical activities to learn about wellness for their body, mind, heart and community. The young actors work together to create and perform an original theatre piece for their families, friends and the community at the end of the program. At the Alianza Cultural Center (530 W. 166th St). Saturdays from 9:30am - 1pm, beginning October 18th, through December 13th.
Free Saturday Art Classes for Kids For ages 7-11. Saturdays, October 18th through December 6th, 10am - noon. (No classes 11/8 & 11/29).
Free Saturday Art Classes for KidsThis Fall, Creative Arts Workshops, "Saturday Artworks," will be at Inwood Library inviting students to travel back in time and explore the art, literature, music and social impact of the Harlem Renaissance. Students will examine works from the time and use them as inspiration for their own work, learning techniques such as painting, sculpting, etching, collage and more. To sign up your child, please call Inwood Library at 212-942-2445. Or notify us via Facebook! You'll find us under Inwood Library.
For ages 7-11. Saturdays, October 18th through December 6th, 10am - noon. (No classes 11/8 & 11/29).
Free Zumba Classes There will be Free Zumba classes for all Northern Manhattan residents in IS 52 on Mondays, Wednesdays , and Thursdays from 6-7pm. Fall 2014
Free Zumba ClassesThere will be Free Zumba classes for all Northern Manhattan residents in IS 52 on Mondays, Wednesdays , and Thursdays from 6-7pm.
Inwood Pumpkin Pageant The Pumpkin Pageant will be on November 1st and the lighting will be from 5-8pm.
Inwood Pumpkin PageantWant to show off your skills? Help the environment and help build a new community tradition? Drop your carved pumpkins along the path in Isham Park anytime on Nov 1st. The pumpkins will be lit at dusk for one last display and then will be sent to NYRP's compost heap at Swindler Cove. The Pumpkin Pageant will be on November 1st and the lighting will be from 5-8pm. To sign up to volunteer for the event.Email
Looking for some family friendly fun this Halloween? Movies at the United Palace: "Frankenstein" Friday, October 31st at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm; film at 8pm).
Movies at the United Palace: "Frankenstein"
Accompanied by the world premiere of Gary Lucas' new score, and preceded by a costume parade. At the United Palace, 4140 Broadway at W. 175th Street. For more information, email or call 212-568-6700 x41.
Friday, October 31st at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm; film at 8pm).
Interested in community events and civic engagement? Participatory Budget Neighborhood Assembly...Thursday October 30th from 6-8pm at the Washington Heights Library located at 1000 St. Nicholas Avenue
Participatory Budget Neighborhood AssemblyIf you are a resident of Washington Heights, Inwood or Marble Hill, you can help decide how to spend $1 Million of taxpayer money to improve our community. Join us at the upcoming Participatory Budgeting Neighborhood Assembly and be a part of this unique experience. The Assembly will be held on the following dates:
- Thursday October 30th from 6-8pm at the Washington Heights Library located at 1000 St. Nicholas Avenue
To rsvp or for more information email
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Looking to volunteer? Consider becoming a reading buddy for WHEELS middle school students!
WHAT DO I DO? WHERE DO I GO?1) 12:35 ~ Lunch: Either come to the cafeteria at 12:35 and go straight to line to eat lunch, or go directly to
Ms. Corvino’s office (Rm. 318) with your lunch from home.
12:35-12:45 ~ Eat:In table at Rm. 318. When done, pick up Reading Buddy folder.
12:45-1:05 ~ Read with Your Buddy!Go to Rm. 347 to meet your reading buddy, who will already be there waiting for you. Read the student’s book aloud to him/er. You can stop and talk about the book, ask comprehension questions, etc., but make sure the student doesn’t trap you into talking about other things!
1:05-1:10 ~ DocumentWrite in the tracker what you did with your student today. Leave your folder in Ms. Corvino’s office and head back to class
Friday, October 10, 2014
Open House New York: Fort Tryon Cottage & Heather Garden Tour Saturday, October 11 &12 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Margaret Corbin Circle
Open House New York: Fort Tryon Cottage & Heather Garden Tour
Saturday, October 11 &12
11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Margaret Corbin Circle
Saturday, October 11 &12
Margaret Corbin Circle
Here's your chance to see inside the Fort Tryon Cottage and take a behind-the-scenes tour of the Heather Garden. The 1908 cottage, flanking the Heather Garden, was originally the gatehouse of the Billings Estate and has retained its charm over its many uses in the last 104 years.
The Heather Garden and Fort Tryon Park were donated to NYC in 1935 by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. and designed by the renowned Olmsted brothers. Come on a Tour to learn more with horticulturalist John Kelly or author Leslie Day.
Garden tours take place every 20 minutes.
Cottage tours place every 30 minutes (max 20 guests).
The Heather Garden and Fort Tryon Park were donated to NYC in 1935 by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. and designed by the renowned Olmsted brothers. Come on a Tour to learn more with horticulturalist John Kelly or author Leslie Day.
Garden tours take place every 20 minutes.
Cottage tours place every 30 minutes (max 20 guests).
It's My Park Day: Bulb Planting With the Friends Committee Sunday, October 26 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Margaret Corbin Circle
It's My Park Day: Bulb Planting With the Friends Committee
Sunday, October 26
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Margaret Corbin Circle
Sunday, October 26
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Margaret Corbin Circle
Join the Friends Committee of the Fort Tryon Park Trust to beautify the Fort Washington slope of Fort Tryon. Plant bulbs, clear invasives, paint, and more. Wear long pants and sturdy shoes.
Geology and History of Dyckman Street with Sidney Horenstein Sunday, October 26 10:00 a.m
Geology and History of Dyckman Street with Sidney Horenstein
Sunday, October 26
10:00 a.m.
Meet in front of the Payson Center on Dyckman Street and Payson Avenue
Sunday, October 26
10:00 a.m.
Meet in front of the Payson Center on Dyckman Street and Payson Avenue
Join Sidney Horenstein, geologist and Educator Emeritus at the American Museum of Natural History, as he leads his geology and history walk along Dyckman Street, a fault line in Manhattan. This program is generously supported by the Greenacre Foundation and the Fort Tryon Park Trust.
March & Rally for Housing Justice There will be educational materials on how you can fight to protect, preserve and improve New York City's housing. The route begins on 3333 Broadway( 135th and Broadway) at 12:00 pm and will end at 650 Academy St in front of IS 52 at 5:00pm. Save the date: Saturday, October 25th (afternoon). To get involved, email
Want to See Inside of the Fort Tryon Park Cottage? Saturday/Sunday, October 11th & 12th, 11am - 4pm.
Jumel Mansion Open House Weekend Saturday / Sunday, October 11th & 12th, 11am - 4pm.
Movies at the United Palace: "Guys & Dolls" Sunday, October 12th at 5pm (doors open at 4pm).
Selfless Selfies Opening at Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance
Fort Tryon Harvest Festival Saturday, October 18th, 11am-4pm.
4th Annual Collegiate / Science and Technology College Fair Saturday, October 18th, 9:30am - 1pm.
Calling all dog owners who use Homer's Run or just want to be helpful community neighbors! At Homer's Run, in Inwood Hill Park. (**NOTE: Dog run closed to public during maintenance.**) Saturday, October 18th, 10am - noon.
Fall Festival at the Dyckman Farmhouse Museum Sunday, October 19th, 11am - 5:30pm.
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