Wednesday, January 2, 2013

RECYouth: REEL Education for Youth. Rolling admission.

RECYouth: REEL Education for Youth

RECYouth is a multimedia extracurricular program for teens. RECYouth teaches teens video, audio, photography, and graphic design while encouraging creative expression. Participants learn to use digital tools  and professional software to create and edit their footage, recordings and photos. . By the end of the course, every student will have independently or collaboratively completed a final project. Each session is followed by a community screening or exhibit for teens to share their completed films, songs, and digital designs with friends and family.


RECYouth is free and open to all New York City teens who meet the following criteria:
  • Age 14-17 at start of program
  • Recreation Center member (membership is free to youth 17 and under)
  • Committed to length of program
  • Interested in multimedia, arts, or digital technology
  • Able to work independently and in a group

Time and Location

  • RECYouth Session 1: September – January
  • RECYouth Session 2: February – June
  • RECYouth Summer Institute: July – August (six weeks)
RECYouth offerings vary by CRC. Please email or call (212) 255-3066 for information about upcoming or current RECYouth classes.


RECYouth is free! Computer Resource Centers provide the resources and guidance. Teens contribute their creative energy, enthusiasm, and commitment.

How to Apply

Computer Resource Centers accept applications on a rolling basis, however early registration is encouraged. Please email or call (212) 255-3066 for a current RECYouth class schedule and to request an application.

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