Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Apollo Theatre Academy Application due 1/31/2013

Apollo Theatre Academy 

Saturday Workshop Series

The Saturday Workshop Series is a free program, open to students in grades 9-12, who have an interest in behind the scenes careers in the performing arts and entertainment industries.
Over the course of 12 sessions, through instruction and assignments, students are engaged in activities that provide them with an understanding of and primary level proficiency in technical stage production—audio, lighting, set design and prop creation. 

  • The Saturday Workshop Series is open to grades 9-12.   
  • The Saturday Workshop Series is a free program. Applications are due
  • Thursday, January 31, 2013
  • . Space is limited; therefore, not everyone who applies
  • will be selected to participate.
  • All participants are required to attend an orientation for the program.
  • All participants must be high school students with a valid school ID, school record/schedule, or report card.
  • All participants must be available and commit to attending the entire 12-week program.
  • All participants should have an interest in behind-the scenes careers in the arts, theater, or entertainment industry.
  • Please note that late or incomplete applications will not be processed.

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