Sunday, February 5, 2017

Winter 2017 Mirroring Mead: Filming Culture in Anthropology at the AMNH APPLY NOW (due 2/12)

One day Workshop – FREE EVENT

Save the Date!

Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Time: 10am-5pm

Location: The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH)

Open to all NYC teens!

Apply here:


Mirroring Mead: Filming Culture in Anthropology

How do you capture a culture on film? Start by creating your own visual short! Explore films

screened at past Margaret Mead Film Festivals and learn about the methodology of

ethnographic film while creating a short “mini-doc” using the American Museum of Natural

History as your field site.

In addition to her work as a curator and researcher at the American Museum of Natural History,

Margaret Mead was a pioneer in the use of film and photography as a medium for cross-cultural

understanding and communication. Mead’s legacy in visual anthropology has continued with the

Margaret Mead Film Festival, started in 1977and still running strong today. Learn how

anthropologists continue a tradition that shapes how we see our world, and be a part of the

visual conversation!



Applications Due: Sunday, February 12, midnight

Notifications will be sent by Friday, February 17

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