Thursday, February 9, 2017

WINTER 2017 for SUMMER 2017 PAID High School Apprenticeship Program (HSAP) APPLY NOW!

2017 High School Research Apprenticeship Program (HSAP)

The High School Apprenticeship Program (HSAP) provides high school students with an authentic science and engineering research experience alongside university researchers sponsored by the Army Research Office. Through these commuter programs students will develop skills in Army critical science and engineering research areas in a university lab setting to prepare them for the next steps of their educational and professional career.
A primary objective of the HSAP program is to provide a mechanism to expose new students to research opportunities in the sponsored laboratory. Thus persons with recent prior affiliation with a specific laboratory may not be eligible to receive an apprenticeship through this program. Prior affiliation includes direct employment, past compensated research (e.g. REU, other funded research, or research for course credit).
Please note: HSAP is for commuting students only. It is NOT and in-residence program. No housing allowance or meal plan is provided. Please be sure to apply for only university laboratories that you are able to commute to daily.
HSAP students receive an educational stipend equivalent to $10 per hour, and are allowed to work up to 300 hours total. The students contribute to the Army’s research in the laboratory while learning research methods, using advanced research equipment and becoming a part of an active research group. This authentic experience provides exposure to science and engineering research careers.
At the end of the program students will prepare abstracts documenting the research they performed during the apprenticeship. Guidelines and deadlines will be provided to students participating in the program.
 2017 HSAP Projects and Locations
 For descriptions of the specific projects taking place at the 2017 HSAP locations, unique location codes (needed for the application process), and special application requirements for each HSAP location click here.

HSAP is part of a portfolio of STEM educational opportunities offered by the Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP). For more information on the AEOP and its offerings go to:

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