Thursday, February 9, 2017

WINTER 2017 VOLUNTEER NOW for The YM&YWHA of Washington Heights & Inwood is proud to present its newest addition to the Youth and Family Department: the Y at WHEELS!

Introducing the Y at WHEELS!

The YM&YWHA of Washington Heights & Inwood is proud to present its newest addition to the Youth and Family Department: the Y at WHEELS!
Washington Heights Expeditionary Learning School (WHEELS) is a nationally recognized public school in the Washington Heights neighborhood. WHEELS began their elementary school in 2014 and currently have Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, and, as of fall 2016, 2nd grades. WHEELS is unique in its dual language learners model with all classes taught in both Spanish and English.
The WHEELS partnership with the Y began in 2016 and has resulted in an innovative, social justice-minded after school program. The program integrates the neighborhood themes of Camp Twelve Trails, with its enrichment programming falling into four categories: Play (Sports and Physical Activity), Create (Arts, Music, and Performance), Discover (Science and Math), and Grow (Earth-Based Education). These electives are paired with a focus on academic instruction in literacy and math, extending the students' learning by several hours each day. The highly trained staff of the Y at WHEELS After School Program model and encourage healthy socio-emotional behavior and use restorative methods to make each experience with a child a learning opportunity. The WHEELS and Y communities have come together around common values of diversity, curiosity, mentoring and citizenship to create an after school program unlike any other. Visit the Y at WHEELS page to register or contact Ashlyn King ( with questions.

Winter 2017 for PAID work as a camp counselor at Camp Twelve Trails (YMWHA on Nagle) SAVE THE DATE: Friday, March 9, 2017

Looking for a paid summer job?
Love kids?
Are you active, hard working, and fun?

Consider applying to work at Camp Twelve Trails!

Save the date:

Friday, March 9, 2017
1:30 PM until ???? PM
Room 420

Informational session
Group interviews
SYEP registration

Candidates should:
sign up outside of room 420
bring polished resumes (if available)
have researched Camp Twelve Trails.

WINTER 2017 for June 2017 Youth Summit on Careers in Transportation (grades 11-12) FREE An all expenses paid five-day trip to Washington, DC in June to learn about careers in mass transportation, in engineering, business, government policy, studying environmental impact, etc.

Youth Summit on Careers in Transportation (grades 11-12) 

FREE An all expenses paid five-day trip to Washington, DC in June to learn about careers in mass transportation, in engineering, business, government policy, studying environmental impact, etc.  

DUE: Feb. 17.

WINTER 2017 for SUMMER 2017 for The Tech Flex Leaders Program is an immersive out-of-school time program for juniors and seniors enrolled in a NYC high school. PAID. APPLY NOW
The Tech Flex Leaders Program is an immersive out-of-school time program for juniors and seniors enrolled in a NYC high school.


The Tech Flex Leaders Program is an immersive out-of-school time program for juniors and seniors enrolled in a NYC high school. The program embeds weekly computer science and technology classes at local companies, offers mentorship with industry professionals and provides access to professional opportunities. Students selected are uniquely positioned to develop a portfolio of technology projects that illustrate a fundamental understanding of front and back-end web development. ​Additional benefits include: 
  • Access to college / university partnerships
  • Extra-curriculars to enhance your admissions credentials
  • ​Access to professional internship opportunities ​and technology mentors
  • A network of friends from different high schools across the city
Deadline to apply: Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. EST
Applicants for our 2016 - 2017 cohort must:
  • Be a junior or senior in a NYC high school by September 2016
  • Be interested in careers in computer science / technology 
  • Be available on Saturdays during the 2016 - 2017 school year 
  • Be eligible for free or reduced price lunch 
  • Demonstrate dedication, passion and leadership 


Interested candidates fill out an application online.
NYOT reviews submitted applications.
NYOT invites candidates to participate in interview day. 
NYOT makes a decision to invite students to the Tech Flex Leaders program.
Tech Flex Leaders commit to joining for the following academic year.


Applications for the Tech Flex Leaders program are open!

WINTER 2017 for Summer 2017 MAKE FILMS with BCAPteen Creative Leadership Project is a 6-week, full-day summer program for teens blending digital media & communications, personal & professional skills, and youth leadership through the lens of filmmaking APPLY NOW

BCAPteen Creative Leadership Project

BCAPteen: Investigating the arts, nature, culture, and community through film.


BCAPteen Creative Leadership Project is a 6-week, full-day summer program for teens blending digital media & communications, personal & professional skills, and youth leadership through the lens of filmmaking.
Over the course of the summer 20 teens earn a stipend and volunteer hours while becoming knowledgeable on our six cultural institutions and theme, building skills, producing creative work that reflects their interests, and contributing back to the BCAP community. Our home base is BPL Central Library, with special access to the six institutions on our Cultural Campus.
This year's theme is : More than Meets the Eye: Uncover the incredible world around you!  Participants will reexamine perspectives and perceptions through exploration of historical narratives, hidden spaces, and little known facts on the BCAP campus and in the broader community.
Each BCAPteen will be involved in making three films: one interview; one small-group, mini-documentary focused on the BCAP campus and theme; and one group narrative film on a related topic of choice.


Apply February 1st - March 15th
  • Apply Online Here starting Feb 1
    • If you want a print-out to practice your answers: download here


  • All applicants will receive a follow-up by March 18, and select applicants will be invited for an interview.
  • Interviews: (Pencil one or more date in your calendar.)
    • Thursday, March 23, 4:15-5:30 or 5:45-6:30
    • Saturday, March 25, 9:45-10:30 or 10:45-11:30
  • Notification of Acceptance or Wait List: April 3rd
20 teens will be selected to participate in summer 2017.

Who Should Apply?

Teens ages 13-17 with an interest in...

  • Producing creative projects through filmmaking
  • Exploring 6 awesome cultural institutions in the heart of Brooklyn
  • Being a leader and role model for kids, peers, and the community
  • Working as part of a close-knit team of 20 peers
  • Setting goals for the future and achieving them
  • Being creative, having fun, and meeting teens from across the city
  • Committing to doing this for 6 weeks, Monday-Friday, 9am-3:30pm

Basic Info

Dates: July 6  - August 16, 2017

  • Orientation: Monday, June 19th, 5:30-8:00 PM
  • Graduation: Tuesday, August 15th, 5:30-7:00 PM
  • Full attendance is mandatory

Time: 9am-3:30pm

  • Forty-minute lunch break

Location: BCAP Cultural Campus

Additional Benefits

  • Earn  volunteer hours
  • Earn a stipend (ages 14+ only)
  • Receive a letter of recommendation from your instructors
  • Build your resume, skills, and experience
  • Be invited back as an Alumni Ambassador in the schoolyear
  • Make connections to people and places that can offer you opportunities in the future
  • Younger siblings get a discount for BCAP Summer Camp

More Info

More details here in the 2017 Info Packet

Staff & Educators

BCAPteen is coordinated and supervised by our BCAP Directors, with support from education staff at our five partner institutions.  Curriculum and daily activities are facilitated by two experienced, talented, and FUN educators who specialize in film and working with teens. They are assisted by BCAPteen Alumni Interns. Plus, participants will interact with experts at our 6 partner institutions, representing a variety of departments and career paths.
BCAP educators and interns participate in a week of specialized training, including health & safety, positive community-building, bullying prevention, disability inclusion and special needs, teambuilding strategies, curriculum development, and more. All staff undergo background and reference checks, and a selective application process.
Want to work for BCAPteen? Check out our jobs and internships page.

Valuing Diversity 

BCAP Adventures come from backgrounds as diverse as Brooklyn itself! We welcome teens from all cultures, economic backgrounds, abilities, and family structures. We believe that one of the best ways to learn about diversity is by building friendships with diverse groups of people. We build a sense of community centered on common interests, respect for differences, learning, and having fun!

Sample Films

Check out some films from 2014 - 2016! The films you see here were created 100% by BCAPteens, from idea to final edit, in about 10 days each. There are also some silent films and other learning projects.


WINTER 2017 for SUMMER 2017 NYU Tandon School of Engineering continues to conduct the Applied Research Innovations in Science and Engineering (ARISE) program. This program is for academically strong, current 10th and 11th grade New York City students with a demonstrated interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) APPLY NOW


After a successful launch in summer 2013, the NYU Tandon School of Engineering continues to conduct the Applied Research Innovations in Science and Engineering (ARISE) program.  This program is for academically strong, current 10th and 11th grade New York City students with a demonstrated interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
This full-time, seven week program includes: college level workshops and seminars, a high level research experience in participating NYU faculty labs, and mentoring in that placement by a graduate or postdoctoral student.  In the seminars and workshops, students will be introduced to  the scientific method and ethics, data collection and analysis, research practices and lab safety.
ARISE 2014 - Erica
With their mentors, ARISE participants will spend the latter five weeks of the program in these placements where they will make practical contributions to their lab’s research objectives, which span engineering, life sciences, and computer and data sciences.
Students will also receive training in presentation and public speaking skills, in collaboration with ARISE’s partners at Irondale Ensemble Project, and give their research findings at the program’s concluding colloquium to NYU faculty and graduate students, their peer ARISE participants, other academic experts, family members and friends.
Through a grant from the Pinkerton Foundation, ARISE is intended to provide an advanced STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) research opportunity to New York City students lacking access to high quality STEM education experiences. Students from demographic groups underrepresented in STEM disciplines and careers, including women, students of color and those from low – income backgrounds, are strongly encouraged to apply. NYU Tandon‘s ARISE is a partner of the New York City Science Research Mentoring Consortium, a group of NYC academic, research and cultural institutions providing NYC high school students with mentored, authentic research experiences in STEM.

We are looking for:

  • New York City residents who are completing 10th or 11th grade in June 2017.
  • Academically prepared, highly motivated students.
  • Applicants with a passion for science, technology, engineering and math.
  • Students who will attend the entire program, full time (approximately a 9 to 5 day, Monday-Friday), from July 5, 2017 to August 18, 2017and an orientation in late June or early July, 2017 (date to be determined).
  • Responsible students who have demonstrated: an ability to make and fulfill commitments, timeliness and persistence.
  • Eligible applicants for this program must meet all the above criteria.
  • Check the Frequently Asked Questions page if you still have questions after reading the application instructions.
We cannot accept applications from students who reside outside of one of the five NYC boroughs. Students who will be living in NYC for the summer, only, or who attend school in NYC but live outside of NYC are not eligible.

Before you apply:Olena and Raima

  • Consider the Research Opportunities and the fields of interest.
  • Carefully review the To Apply page for instructions, tips, and a description of the multi-step application and selection process.
  • Check the Frequently Asked Questions page if you still have questions after you read the instructions.
  • You must apply online, on the Application Form page. We cannot accept paper applications or emailed applications.
  • Do not begin the Application Form until you have gathered all the information and written the required essay as described in To Apply.

Get started with Important Dates and Information:

    • Late November/early December 2016: Application period opens online for summer 2017
    • March 1, 2017 at 5 PM: Student online applications due. The web form will close after 5PM March 1st.
    • March 7, 2017 at 5 PM: Recommender online responses due.
    • Week of March 27th, 2017: Notification of applicants invited to continue with the application process by attending lab tours at the School of Engineering and College of Arts and Sciences.
    • Tuesday, April 25th, 2017 and Wednesday, April 26th, 2017: Lab tours and group interviews. These are mandatory for applicants to receive further consideration.  Students will either attend both nights or the first night, only, depending on their research interests. This will take place in the evenings, and please note on schedules now. Due to space constraints, students can not bring family members.
    • On or around May 1st, 2017: Notification of applicants invited to continue with lab interviews.
    • Sunday, May 7th, 2017: One afternoon of on-campus interviews with lab personnel and mentors. These are mandatory for applicants to receive further consideration regardless of family vacation schedules. Please note on schedules now. Due to space constraints, students can not bring family members.
    • On or around May 12, 2017: Notification to selected applicants offered lab placements.  All other active applicants will be wait listed. It is very likely that several waitlisted candidates will eventually be offered lab placements.
    • On or around May 16th, 2017: Students offered placements must accept or decline the offer.
    • July 5th – August 18th: ARISE runs full-time, 5 days per week. The final colloquium will be held on the last day.

Good to know:

    • Students completing the entire program will receive a $500 stipend
    • Approximately 36 placements are available for summer 2017
    • We cannot accept applications from students who reside outside of one of the five NYC boroughs. Students who will be living in NYC for the summer, only, or who attend school in NYC but live outside of NYC are not eligible.
    • Questions? Please read all instructions and program webpages.  For information not found on the website, please Email:
    • Join our mailing list to receive information on and applications for our additional STEM programs.
    • Follow us on social media and check out our #STEMNOW blog.

WINTER 2017 for SUMMER 2017 American Museum of Natural History APPLY NOW!

Come learn about the American Museum of Natural History's Summer Programs for High School Students! You're invited to learn more about our summer opportunities at one of 2 orientation sessions for families, teachers, and high school students. 
Information session dates:
Friday, 2/17/2017 from 4:00 - 5:00PM
Thursday, 2/23/2017 from 10:30 - 11:30am
Please click HERE to register for the information session of your choice.

Our Brown Scholars program is a new 3-year intensive focused on the intersection of computer science and science. It is tuition-free thanks to a generous grant from the Helen Gurley Brown Trust.
The program has 3 components:
1) 120 hours of coursework across 3 classes: Intro to Programming, Intro to Databases, Intro to Data Visualization
  • The coursework is offered in an after-school format: two afternoons a week, 4:30-6:30 pm, October - June OR in a summer format: 5 days a week, 10 am - 4 pm for 6 weeks (July - August)
Girls who successfully complete the 120 hours of coursework are eligible for the second component:
2) a 9-month paid internship in either computational research or applied computer programming within a division at AMNH.
  • Interns will work on a team of 2-3 Brown Scholars under the mentorship of a post-bacc Helen Fellow.
  • Internships run two afternoons a week, 4:30 - 6:30 pm, September - May and culminate with presentations in the Spring.
Girls who successfully complete the internship are eligible for the third component:
3) college and career colloquium:  a series of field trips and workshops focused on the varied academic and professional opportunities in the world of computer science.
  • Field trips and workshops will be held twice a month on Friday afternoons, September - May.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Who is the Brown Scholars program for?
Girls may complete coursework during their 9th or 10th grade year OR the summer following their 9th or 10th grade year. We are unable to make exceptions to this grade requirement.
What material does the coursework cover?
You will learn to code in Python, work on real scientific data sets, and learn how data science and data visualization are important tools for scientists in all fields. You will learn about algorithms and databases while digging deep into astrophysics, biology, anthropology, and more. No coding experience necessary - we'll start from the beginning!
How do I apply?
The application process includes:  an online application including short essay questions, one letter of recommendation from a teacher or adult, a copy of your most recent transcript/report card.
Selected applicants will be invited in for an in-person interview.  Final admission decisions will be made following the interviews.
This program is incredibly competitive, and we are unable to accept all qualified applicants.
I don’t live in New York City. Can I still apply?
The Brown Scholars program is only available for students in the greater NYC area. You do not need to attend an NYC public school to apply, but you must be able to attend classes in person. Priority is given to students who are interested and able to complete all 3 components of the program.   
I’m interested in the Brown Scholars Program and SRMP at AMNH. Can I apply to both?
Students who are accepted to the Brown Scholars Program are NOT eligible to apply for After School Program Research Courses (which are prerequisites for the Science Research Mentoring Program). Students are, however, eligible to apply for ASP Exploratory courses.
Still have questions?

WINTER 2017 for SUMMER 2017 PAID High School Apprenticeship Program (HSAP) APPLY NOW!

2017 High School Research Apprenticeship Program (HSAP)

The High School Apprenticeship Program (HSAP) provides high school students with an authentic science and engineering research experience alongside university researchers sponsored by the Army Research Office. Through these commuter programs students will develop skills in Army critical science and engineering research areas in a university lab setting to prepare them for the next steps of their educational and professional career.
A primary objective of the HSAP program is to provide a mechanism to expose new students to research opportunities in the sponsored laboratory. Thus persons with recent prior affiliation with a specific laboratory may not be eligible to receive an apprenticeship through this program. Prior affiliation includes direct employment, past compensated research (e.g. REU, other funded research, or research for course credit).
Please note: HSAP is for commuting students only. It is NOT and in-residence program. No housing allowance or meal plan is provided. Please be sure to apply for only university laboratories that you are able to commute to daily.
HSAP students receive an educational stipend equivalent to $10 per hour, and are allowed to work up to 300 hours total. The students contribute to the Army’s research in the laboratory while learning research methods, using advanced research equipment and becoming a part of an active research group. This authentic experience provides exposure to science and engineering research careers.
At the end of the program students will prepare abstracts documenting the research they performed during the apprenticeship. Guidelines and deadlines will be provided to students participating in the program.
 2017 HSAP Projects and Locations
 For descriptions of the specific projects taking place at the 2017 HSAP locations, unique location codes (needed for the application process), and special application requirements for each HSAP location click here.

HSAP is part of a portfolio of STEM educational opportunities offered by the Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP). For more information on the AEOP and its offerings go to:

Winter 2017 for SUMMER 2017 Columbia University Science Honors Program The deadline for SHP receipt of the completed online application is 11:59 PM on March 1, 2017.

Application Procedure
Columbia University Science Honors Program
2017-2018 Academic Year

The Columbia University Science Honors Program (SHP) is a highly selective program for students who have a strong interest in science and mathematics. Classes are held at Columbia from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM on Saturdays throughout the academic year. Applicants for the 2017-2018 school year must now be in the eleventh, tenth, or ninth grade and must apply online. The program is available only to students who attend high schools in New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut and who live within a 75-mile radius of the Columbia campus.

Application Requirements

  • A completed online application, including a report of high school grades and an essay describing one's interest and background in science and mathematics.
  • An official high school transcript, to be mailed directly to the SHP by the student's high school.
  • An online letter of recommendation from a teacher, guidance counselor, or principal.
  • A $30 non-refundable fee to cover the costs of application processing and test administration.

Entrance Examination

As part of the application process, there will also be a 3-hour entrance examination given at Columbia University. There are two scheduled Saturday dates for the entrance examination in the spring of 2017: March 25 and April 22. Students will be asked to indicate their preferred examination date; however, the SHP cannot guarantee that a student will receive his/her first choice. The examination will be from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM. The test will contain questions in mathematics and science. Students are expected to have a background in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and probability, together with some knowledge of elementary science subjects. No special studying or review is needed for the examination.

Application Deadline

The deadline for SHP receipt of the completed online application is 11:59 PM on March 1, 2017. The $30 fee payment, whether by credit card or check, must also be received by the SHP by March 1, 2017. No applications will be accepted after this date.

Mailed official transcripts and online letters of recommendation must be received by the SHP no later than March 16, 2017.

Online Application

The SHP online application can be accessed at:
This site will initially require the student to create an account with the online application provider, "Apply Yourself", after which the applicant will receive a unique PIN number and password. With this ID information, a student can return to work on his/her application over several sessions. All online application information is transmitted through a secured server and is not released to the SHP admissions staff until the student submits his/her final version of the application.

The person whom the student has selected to write a recommendation letter will be automatically notified and asked to submit the recommendation online. Students should discuss with potential recommenders the waiver of rights option before making a final selection of recommender. A student's choice to waive or not to waive rights to inspect the recommendation cannot be changed after the recommendation request has been submitted. 

Instructions for making the payment of the $30 application fee are given at the end of the online application process, immediately before final submission of the completed application. Payment by credit card is preferred and ensures that the SHP receives the fee by the March 1st deadline.

It is the student's responsibility to have his/her high school mail the required official transcript to the SHP by the due date.

After a completed application has been submitted to the SHP, the applicant should receive a confirmation e-mail indicating successful submission. The student can subsequently track the status of the submitted application and the SHP's receipt of the associated recommendation letter and official transcript by using the online tracking system. After the close of the application period, applicants will be notified of which examination date they have been assigned and will then be able to print out an admission ticket for the test. This personal ticket, which will indicate the assigned date and room location for the test, must be presented at Columbia when the examination is given. Applicants will be notified about admission decisions by June 21, 2017.

Students who are currently members of the SHP in good standing are entitled to continue in the program until graduation from high school and do not have to reapply for admission.

Students who applied to the program last year but were not admitted may submit a new application for the 2017-2018 academic year. Last year's application cannot be reactivated, and students must create a new account with a new PIN and password.

Important Dates

  • Deadline for completed application and fee payment: March 1, 2017.
  • Personal test admission ticket available online: March 16, 2017.
  • Deadline for SHP's receipt of mailed official transcripts and online recommendations: March 16, 2017.
  • Entrance examination dates: Either March 25, 2017 or April 22, 2017.
  • Notification of admission decisions: available by June 21, 2017.