Sunday, January 11, 2015

FREE! Applications are now open for the Hk Maker Lab - a six week engineering design and entrepreneurship program which is held at Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Due: March 13, 2015

Applications are now open for the Hk Maker Lab - a six week engineering design and entrepreneurship program which is held at Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.  

Applications are available on our program page where you can also see photos from last summer’s program.  We had 25 students, competitively selected from high schools where over 50% of students qualified for free or reduced price lunch, learn the engineering design process.  Working in teams, the students designed, prototyped and built a solution to a global health problem.  They pitched the idea to a panel of judges from the tech community.  The winning team is incubating their idea at Harlem Biospace, a biotech incubator for early stage life science companies.  Two other very promising students are being provided internships with Harlem Biospace start-up companies. 

The program is free.  We are looking for your highest performing sophomores and juniors who may have a strong interest in applied engineering.  Our objective is to change the ratio of under-represented minorities and women in STEM fields and we believe exposing students to applied STEM, helping them forge mentorship relationships and providing meaningful industry internships will go a long way to that end goal.  

 Applications are due March 13, 2015.

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