Sunday, August 31, 2014

Interested in food justice? Volunteer and support the WHEELS/Good Flavor Farms Partnership!

Who we are: At Good Flavor Farm we offer certified naturally grown produce from our small plot of land in Columbia County, NY. We harvest for the school calendar, and make 10 deliveries of vegetables to WHEELS from September through November. 

Our goal with this school-based program is to connect kids to healthy food, as well as the people and place where that food is grown. Our short season keeps costs low and we are proud to accept SNAP benefits.

What you get

We grow tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, greens, squash, potatoes, sweet and hot peppers, radish, beans, melons and so much more! 

We never use chemicals and our small scale = higher quality.

A typical Pick-Up in the early fall might include: 2 lbs of carrots, 1 bunch of collard greens, 2 or 3 cucumbers, 1/2 lb of green beans, 1 head of garlic, 1 head of lettuce, 1 melon, several hot peppers, and 3 lbs of tomatoes.A typical Pick-Up in the early winter might include: 2 lbs of parsnips, 2 lbs of beets, 1/2 lb of dried beans, 1 lb turnip greens, 1 or 2 winter squash, 1 head of garlic, and 2 lbs of onions.How much does it cost: $25 per Pick-Up.

How do you get your food: student members can grab their produce before leaving school once a week from Sept. - Nov. We ask that students take a turn helping us weigh out produce so everybody gets a fair share.Questions: Please contact the farm by email:

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