Saturday, July 12, 2014

Bored? Don't be. 2nd Annual Michael Perelstein Memorial Scholarship Fund (students in grades 2-8)

2nd Annual Michael Perelstein Memorial Scholarship Fund
A $20,000 Scholarship fund created to support New York City school children (grades 2-8) to pursue their unique passions and talents. Michael Perelstein was a devoted dad who watched his children pursue their passions in nontraditional fields while simultaneously achieving financial security. Observing the paths of his kids, he realized the importance of nurturing passion and talent and even switched careers himself to support his own interests. Perelstein passed away at age 56; the scholarship fund established in his honor by his wife, Elizabeth Perelstein, is built around the concept of supporting the passions and talents of children. The Discover Your Passion Competition will award the grand prize winner $5,000 toward his or her pursuit; three second place winners will receive $3,500, and three third place winners will receive $1,500, for a total of $20,000. Finalists will be selected from each of two age categories: 2nd - 5th grade; 6th-8th grade. The scholarship winners will be announced and awarded their prizes in October in New York City. For complete information about the scholarship and to apply see To read about the 2013 scholarship winners, visit Application deadline is September 8th; for more info, go to

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