Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Emma L. Bowen Foundation... PAID Media Studies Internship! Due: January 31, 204

The Emma L. Bowen Foundation is celebrating its 25th Anniversary in 2014!

The Foundation was created in 1989 to prepare minority youth for careers in the media industry. The Foundation’s program is unlike traditional intern programs in that students work for partner companies during summers and school breaks from the summer following their senior year in high school until they graduate from college. 

During the four-year program, students have an opportunity to learn many aspects of corporate operations and develop company-specific skills. Corporations have an opportunity to train and mentor students with the option of full-time employment upon completion of their college degrees.

Students earn an hourly salary and matching scholarship funds for college expenses. Academic excellence is also a key component of the program—students are required to maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average to remain in good standing. 

An annual summer conference, a mentoring program and a technical program are also provided to further enhance the student’s knowledge and experience. Resource guides for both students and corporate supervisors are provided to maximize the student’s experience and productivity while in the program.

This unique, multi-year program prepares a diverse group of talented young professionals to enter the workforce with specific job-related skills, knowledge of the corporate environment and a strong foundation for future advancement.

 Students work in a variety of functional areas (e.g., marketing, sales, finance, public relations, production, operations, human resources, technology, news, web design, promotion, etc.) and rotate each summer. 

Currently, we have more than 260 active students nationwide and 550 graduates. 

 Approximately 60-70 new students join the program each year.



Dear Student: 

Thank you for your interest in the Emma L. Bowen Foundation for Minority Interests in Media work/study program. The Emma L. Bowen Foundation for Minority Interests in Media is a non-profit organization whose mission is to create career opportunities in the media industry for minority youth through a program that focuses on scholastic achievement, direct work experience and professional development. If selected, you will have the opportunity to work, develop valuable skills, and network with industry professionals each summer until you graduate from college. Not only will you earn a salary, but matching dollars will also be set aside to help pay for your college expenses. Because we want to encourage you to make the most of this opportunity, your corporate sponsor and the Emma Bowen L. Foundation will be there to help you, both professionally and personally, throughout the work/study program.

Please be sure to read the “Frequently Asked Questions” section before submitting your application. 

SPECIAL NOTE: The Emma Bowen Foundation has designed a New Media and Technology Program to provide opportunities for students pursuing careers in engineering, system design, information systems, web services, applications or other technical disciplines in the media industry. See the list of cities below for details about specific New Media and Technology opportunities. Students interested in applying should complete the standard application, note any particular computer and technical skills in Section 8 of the application, and write an essay based on the technology topic in Section 10. Please check the Technology box on Page 1 if you are interested in applying for a New Media and Technology position. 

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