College Now at The City College of New York will host a mini-Urban Male Conference on Saturday, November 23, 2013, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The primary purpose of the conference is to promote higher education as a means in the development of professional careers especially among male students in general and among male students of color in particular. While the conference program’s focus highlights the unique perplexities young urban men of color tend to face in education, the program is also open to young women and men of all ethnicities.
Students should leave the conference with practical ideas about access to higher education and the ability to use information gained from the day’s events to progress towards taking advantage of the opportunities ahead.
• The keynote speaker (tentatively, Assemblyman Keith Wright) is intended to provide an inspirational role model to the students in attendance by presenting a personal example of the advantages and benefits of a post-secondary education.
• The workshop topics (presented by CCNY faculty and staff) are intended to explore social, cultural, and academic issues associated with the pursuit of higher education and the development of career-mindedness in particular fields.
• In the hope that sharing concerns regarding their pursuit of an education with conference presenters and with each other will encourage future self-advocacy and pro-active behavior, the feedback session (led by CCNY students) is intended to allow the students to give voice to those concerns.
Registration will be followed by the keynote speaker, 3 rounds of a choice of 10 workshops, lunch, and a culminating plenary panel session, “Listening to Student Voices: Choosing a Career Path” which will have CCNY students serving as a panel that will interface with conference participants in regards to the challenges faced by males of color in college and in their preparation for post-collegiate life. In particular consideration of careers in the arts, there will be a post-conference screening of the documentary, “This is the Life.”
Please have your students go to immediately to register.
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