Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Emma L. Bowen Foundation... PAID Media Studies Internship! Due: January 31, 204

The Emma L. Bowen Foundation is celebrating its 25th Anniversary in 2014!

The Foundation was created in 1989 to prepare minority youth for careers in the media industry. The Foundation’s program is unlike traditional intern programs in that students work for partner companies during summers and school breaks from the summer following their senior year in high school until they graduate from college. 

During the four-year program, students have an opportunity to learn many aspects of corporate operations and develop company-specific skills. Corporations have an opportunity to train and mentor students with the option of full-time employment upon completion of their college degrees.

Students earn an hourly salary and matching scholarship funds for college expenses. Academic excellence is also a key component of the program—students are required to maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average to remain in good standing. 

An annual summer conference, a mentoring program and a technical program are also provided to further enhance the student’s knowledge and experience. Resource guides for both students and corporate supervisors are provided to maximize the student’s experience and productivity while in the program.

This unique, multi-year program prepares a diverse group of talented young professionals to enter the workforce with specific job-related skills, knowledge of the corporate environment and a strong foundation for future advancement.

 Students work in a variety of functional areas (e.g., marketing, sales, finance, public relations, production, operations, human resources, technology, news, web design, promotion, etc.) and rotate each summer. 

Currently, we have more than 260 active students nationwide and 550 graduates. 

 Approximately 60-70 new students join the program each year.



Dear Student: 

Thank you for your interest in the Emma L. Bowen Foundation for Minority Interests in Media work/study program. The Emma L. Bowen Foundation for Minority Interests in Media is a non-profit organization whose mission is to create career opportunities in the media industry for minority youth through a program that focuses on scholastic achievement, direct work experience and professional development. If selected, you will have the opportunity to work, develop valuable skills, and network with industry professionals each summer until you graduate from college. Not only will you earn a salary, but matching dollars will also be set aside to help pay for your college expenses. Because we want to encourage you to make the most of this opportunity, your corporate sponsor and the Emma Bowen L. Foundation will be there to help you, both professionally and personally, throughout the work/study program.

Please be sure to read the “Frequently Asked Questions” section before submitting your application. 

SPECIAL NOTE: The Emma Bowen Foundation has designed a New Media and Technology Program to provide opportunities for students pursuing careers in engineering, system design, information systems, web services, applications or other technical disciplines in the media industry. See the list of cities below for details about specific New Media and Technology opportunities. Students interested in applying should complete the standard application, note any particular computer and technical skills in Section 8 of the application, and write an essay based on the technology topic in Section 10. Please check the Technology box on Page 1 if you are interested in applying for a New Media and Technology position. 

INTERNSHIPS The Garden Apprentice Program (GAP) at Brooklyn Botanic Garden Due December 4, 2013

The Garden Apprentice Program (GAP) at Brooklyn Botanic Garden is a great way for teens to learn about urban agriculture and the environment while working in one of the most exciting public gardens in the world! Apprentices can work their way up the four-tier program, potentially earning a paid position as Senior Apprentice.

If you enjoy getting your hands dirty and want to work with other teens, GAP may be for you.

Apprentices make a nine-month commitment to GAP, from March to November, which includes spring training, summer programming, and a weekly commitment throughout the academic year. See the tier descriptions for more information and application links. For more information, please email gap@bbg.org.

Completed applications and reference letters must be received by December 4, 2013

Note: Faxes are not accepted. 

If you have questions or need help with accessing the application or reference form, please email gap@bbg.org


Parsons Scholars Program Due: November 11. 2013. ATTENTION TENTH GRADERS

The Parsons Scholars program is a multiyear need-based scholarship program for motivated New York City public school students interested in art and design study. Accepted students participate from 10th grade through 12th grade.

Parsons Scholars have the opportunity to explore a wide variety of studio subjects in the Pre-College Academy and Summer Intensive Studies programs, where they acquire skills and knowledge that will help them gain admission to and succeed in colleges of art and design. In addition to taking classes, students participate in workshops and field trips to gain exposure to art and design fields. Students earn college credit and a Pre-College Certificate from Parsons upon successful completion of the Parsons Scholars program.

For more information, visit the Parsons Scholars website.

To see Parsons Scholars in action, visit the Parsons Scholars blog.

Please contact us at 212.229.8933 x3 or ParsonsScholars@newschool.edu.

Now Recruiting New York City 10th graders

Join us at an Info Session to learn more:

Thursday, October 24, 4:00-5:30 p.m. (55 West 13th Street, Hirschon Suite)

Friday, October 25, 4:30-6:00 p.m. (2 West 13th Street, Orientation Room)

Monday, October 28, 4:30-6:00 p.m. (55 West 13th Street, Hirschon Suite)

More info here.

Please refer to this information worksheet for details on how to apply.


The Health Professions Recruitment and Exposure Program (HPREP) Due: November 7, 2013

The SNMA was established to serve the needs of the minority medical student and to produce an increasing number of minority physicians. In addition, the SNMA serves as a gateway of positive interaction with young minority students interested in a career in science and/or medicine. We are the future doctors of tomorrow and, as such, we have an obligation to serve as a resource for our communities.

Since 1974, Weill Cornell has fostered the educational pursuits of minority students interested in a career in medicine. Currently, Weill Cornell Medical College boasts a record of graduating over 400 minority physicians with numbers still rising. In addition, eighteen percent of our student body consists of underrepresented minorities as designated by the Association of American Medical Colleges. This percentage is among the highest in the nation as well as in New York State. Weill Cornell has a reputation of embracing medical students from many different walks of life and strives to diversify its student population in order to reflect the changing healthcare system.

The Health Professions Recruitment and Exposure Program (HPREP)

Due: November 7th


Monday, October 14, 2013

For activists and community service type folks... Youth Exchange Program and Prudential Spirit of Community Award

For activists and community service type folks...

Youth Exchange Program – Due: November 1, 2013
The U.S. Department of State is now recruiting applicants for the National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y).  This program offers merit-based scholarships to U. S. high-school aged students for overseas study of seven critical foreign languages: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Hindi, Korean, Persian (Tajik), Russian and Turkish. The NSLI-Y program is designed to immerse participants in the cultural life of the host country, giving them invaluable formal and informal language practice and sparking a lifetime interest in foreign languages and cultures.  Travel!  Apply!  

Prudential Spirit of Community Award – Due: November 5, 2013
The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program is the United States' largest youth recognition program based exclusively on volunteer community service. The program's goals are to applaud young folks who are making a positive difference in their own communities.  

NB WHEELS students have had success in applying in years past.  See Ms. MacNeil with questions!

Young Men of Color Media Literacy Group – Due: October 25, 2013

Young Men of Color Media Literacy Group – Due: October 25, 2013Students will participate in conversations about the representation of young men of color in the media.

Junior Media Fellows – Due: October 25, 2013

Junior Media Fellows – Due: October 25, 2013
Students learn the basics of documentary filmmaking, including camera operation, editing skills, interviewing and media literacy. The Junior Fellows produce a series of projects including a PSA, collaborative fiction project, and a group documentary. Additionally, students in this program curate Docu-Jam, a youth documentary film festival. Graduates are eligible to apply for the Intermediate Media Fellows Program. Meal and transportation stipend!  

SAT Prep – Due: October 17, 2013

SAT Prep – Due: October 17, 2013The Saturday Academy at the Museum of New York is a free, elective six-week program for students interested in American History or SAT preparation.  There is no homework and all course materials are provided.http://www.mcny.org/education/saturday-academy/

Cornell Health Professions Program – Due: November 7, 2013

Cornell Health Professions Program – Due: November 7, 2013The Health Professions Recruitment and Exposure Program (HPREP) exposes high school tenth and eleventh graders to science-related activities. HPREP also teaches students about specific career fields and the steps needed to become a physician or other health care provider.  During the ten-week program, professionals give lectures on a broad range of topics and, in addition, the students participate in small group workshops led by medical students. http://www.med.cornell.edu/education/student/min_stu_nat.html.

Lenox Hill Hospital Internships – Rolling admission. Apply ASAP.

Lenox Hill Hospital Internships – Rolling admission.  Apply ASAP.
Lenox Hill hospital has volunteer placement opportunities in medical and support areas, including patient care units, radiology, and physical therapy. Volunteers also play a role in the hospital's community outreach and wellness programs.http://www.lenoxhillhospital.org/how.aspx?id=86PAID.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

College Now at The City College of New York will host a mini-Urban Male Conference on Saturday, November 23, 2013, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. GENTLEMEN OF WHEELS! SIGN UP NOW!

College Now at The City College of New York will host a mini-Urban Male Conference on Saturday, November 23, 2013, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The primary purpose of the conference is to promote higher education as a means in the development of professional careers especially among male students in general and among male students of color in particular.  While the conference program’s focus highlights the unique perplexities young urban men of color tend to face in education, the program is also open to young women and men of all ethnicities.  

Students should leave the conference with practical ideas about access to higher education and the ability to use information gained from the day’s events to progress towards taking advantage of the opportunities ahead.
•            The keynote speaker (tentatively, Assemblyman Keith Wright) is intended to provide an inspirational role model to the students in attendance by presenting a personal example of the advantages and benefits of a post-secondary education.
•            The workshop topics (presented by CCNY faculty and staff) are intended to explore social, cultural, and academic issues associated with the pursuit of higher education and the development of career-mindedness in particular fields.
•            In the hope that sharing concerns regarding their pursuit of an education with conference presenters and with each other will encourage future self-advocacy and pro-active behavior, the feedback session (led by CCNY students) is intended to allow the students to give voice to those concerns.

Registration will be followed by the keynote speaker, 3 rounds of a choice of 10 workshops, lunch, and a culminating plenary panel session, “Listening to Student Voices: Choosing a Career Path” which will have CCNY students serving as a panel that will interface with conference participants in regards to the challenges faced by males of color in college and in their preparation for post-collegiate life. In particular consideration of careers in the arts, there will be a post-conference screening of the documentary, “This is the Life.”

Please have your students go to http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Y66S6Z8 immediately to register.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


GWN Girls College Bound
 Write Your STORY. Own Your FUTURE. 

This fall, get closer to the college of your dreams! Learn about applying to college from admissions officers, demystify the truth about paying for college from financial aid experts, receive professional advice on how to write a stellar essay in your own voice and style, and talk with current college students about what college life is really like!

Register Now 
The seminar is Saturday, November 9, 11 am- 4 pm at Macaulay Honors College
Open to all NYC high school girls at no cost
Parents, guardians, mentors, and educators welcome
Limited space available - register early  
to reserve your spot


Girls Write Now is New York's premier creative writing and mentoring organization for high school girls.