Friday, November 2, 2012

Volunteers needed in Washington Heights ASAP



Dear Friends,  

Storm victims from other parts of the city are arriving in droves to a shelter in Washington Heights.  They need volunteers and all manner of supplies.

Ahead of classes resuming on Monday, the City is consolidating shelters and George Washington High School will become one of the few remaining schools housing storm victims.  I am currently at GW and have learned that the current population of 160 adults and children will be swelling to 600-700 tonight.
The GW shelter is in need of volunteers at all hours, including overnight.  They are also accepting donations of food and water, preferably in single-serve portions (easier to distribute). If you can provide any form of help, please stop by the school, at 549 Audubon Ave. @ 193rd St.

Additionally, Legal Services NYC will help those who might need it to address storm related challenges.  They have extensive experience, based on post-9/11 work and otherwise, helping families and individuals get emergency related services, including FEMA relief, access to food-related services, Medicaid, and other urgently needed help.
All of their direct service offices are now open, though phone access is limited because of the power outage at the downtown office where our servers are based. The numbers of their local directors are listed below and they are willing to help residents in need of legal services.

Brooklyn:           Meghan Faux--718-755-0701
                   Betty Staton--718-809-9462
Bronx:               Jennifer Levy--646-717-3951
Manhattan:        Peggy Earisman--917-561-3910
Queens:            Jennifer Ching--917-721-9871
Staten Island:    Nancy Goldhill--917-657-6485

Thank you all very much for your continued assistance and I hope you can offer your services or goods to affected people and areas.

Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez

Council District 10

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