Monday, November 19, 2012


SEO Scholars

SEO Scholars is a rigorous year-round, out-of-school academic program that prepares motivated low-income public high school students to get to and through America’s competitive colleges and universities. The program serves 400 high school students in New York and San Francisco in addition to 212 college students across the country. The program is free for students and has tripled in size since 2006.
The eight-year SEO Scholars program has two parts:
In high school, the program centers on intensive year-round academic preparation, providing students a carefully-calibrated, rigorously-assessed course of supplemental education which adds the equivalent of over 2.5 years of instruction in English and 1.5 years of instruction in Math. No other organization provides this level of academic support to public high school students.
In college, the program continues to support students through each of their four years, ensuring that they graduate. Direct ongoing counseling from advisors provides one-on-one guidance on adjusting to college life, building academic success skills, exploring career options and securing internships.

Who are SEO Scholars?

The SEO Scholars program, which is free for students, currently serves 400 high school students in New York City and San Francisco in addition to 212 college students at 97 different schools throughout the country.


  • Attend urban public high schools.
  • Hold at least a 77% GPA in New York City and at least a 2.0 GPA in San Francisco.
  • Come from families whose income is well below the poverty line (median income is $21,844 a year). The average family size is four, though nearly half of our Scholars are from single-parent households.


  • They are the first generation in their families to attend a four-year college or university.

Thanks to Mariela Cipriano for sharing this!!!

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