Friday, January 18, 2019

Winter 2019 Futures & Options The ULF Program is a six week PAID summer internship program for graduating seniors from NYC high schools interested in finance, government, public policy or law.

The ULF Program is a six week PAID summer internship
program for graduating seniors from NYC high schools
interested in finance, government, public policy or law.
 INTERNSHIP – Participants work 40 hours per week as interns at
prestigious institutions in the municipal finance industry.
 COMPENSATION – Interns will be paid $15 per hour.
 SUPPORT – Futures and Options provides support to interns
throughout the summer with one-on-one guidance and career
development workshops such as bond training, writing and public
 MUNI DAY IN D.C. – Interns visit Washington, D.C. where they
tour the Capitol and meet public officials including a
Congressman and representatives from the SEC and the MSRB.
 SCHOLARSHIPS – The Municipal Forum awards each intern a
$500 book grant at the closing luncheon. After their freshman,
sophomore, and junior year of college, alumni of the program
are also eligible for an annual scholarship of up to $1,250,
subject to meeting a certain GPA.
 INTERNSHIP PARTNERS – ULF students intern at law firms,
financial advisory firms, investment banks, rating agencies and
public agencies. See the back of this flyer for a full list of our
2018 partners.

 44 interns at 41 private and public sector entities
 100% high school graduation rate
 100% college matriculation
 28 high schools  26 colleges

 732 students have completed internships through the ULF
 $832,500 in college scholarships have been awarded to
ULF alumni.

“The internship program has allowed me to develop an
appreciation for all the amazing work that people in the
municipal finance industry do, as well as its importance.”
Kartikay Sharma, Frasca & Associates

Are you a graduating senior interested in finance, law,
public policy, and/or government?
 Applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA
 Submit your application online at
 Priority deadline: January 18, 2019
 Final deadline: February 22, 2019
 You will be invited to an interview after you apply.
 Candidates who are accepted into the program will be
notified by mid-April.

Contact Futures and Options:
Meghan Becker| Senior Program Coordinator
Krista Kee| Program Coordinator
Aris Reyes| Assistant Program Coordinator



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