Friday, January 25, 2019

Winter 2019 PAID SUMMER 2019 INTERNSHIP PROGRAM at WAVE HILL (seven weeks, stipends, FREE college credit possible)

The Forest Project is open to current sophomores, juniors, and seniors. The seven-week program meets Mondays through Fridays from June 27th- August 20th, 2019. 

Interns work in small, supervised crews to help restore woodland areas at Wave Hill. The application deadline for this program is March 17th, 2019. For more information and the online application please go to

Through our partnership with the college of Mount Saint Vincent, we offer two credit bearing college courses: Restoration of NYC's Natural Areas and Mapping NYC’s Urban Environment: An Intro to GIS. WERM students take both courses their first summer, while Forest Project interns take one. Students do not pay tuition!

We are looking for students who excel in unique learning settings like ours. While we do ask for an applicant’s transcript, we encourage all students, regardless of academic achievement, to apply if they demonstrate interest and enthusiasm. Applicants must be organized, dependable, self-motivated and willing to make the necessary time commitment.

Learn & Earn

Spend an unforgettable summer working as part of a small crew protecting and improving Wave Hill’s woodlands, enjoying the outdoors, learning about restoration ecology and making friends, all while getting paid and earning college credit.

The 2019 Forest Project runs from June 27 to August 20.

Required family orientation and intern-training sessions will take place during the last two weeks of June. These sessions will not conflict with school attendance.

Two-Step Application Process

There are two steps to applying for this program.
  1. First, complete Wave Hill’s application, which includes essay questions. The application can be found here.
  2. Then apply to New York City’s Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) lottery. In order for your Forest Project application to be consideredyou must choose Children’s Aid, Wave Hill’s partner, as your provider when you apply to SYEP. SYEP has not yet provided a link to their application. Stay tuned!  
Please note:
  • As long as your SYEP application lists Children’s Aid as your provider, then acceptance in our Forest Project program will not depend on being selected through SYEP’s lottery.  
  • If you are selected into SYEP through its lottery, you are not guaranteed acceptance in our Forest Project program. If you do not get accepted into our program, Children’s Aid may be able to place you elsewhere.
*** Important: You can only apply to SYEP through one provider. Once you submit your application, your choice of provider cannot be changed. So please be careful to choose Children’s Aid as your provider when you fill out SYEP’s application.


• Currently enrolled in the 10th, 11th or 12th grade
• Interested in urban environmental issues
• Strong academic record, especially in the sciences
• Ready for rigorous fieldwork and academic study
• Available Monday through Friday, from 9AM to 5PM


• First-year interns earn approximately $2,275 for the entire summer.
• Second-year interns earn approximately $2,375 for the entire summer.

Program Description  

Now going into its 39th year, the Forest Project continues to be one of Wave Hill’s signature programs. This paid summer internship gives high school students an unparalleled opportunity to learn about ecology in an urban setting. Throughout the summer, interns gain hands-on field experience and participate in a dynamic, field-based course. Guest speakers, field trips and special projects contribute to an immersive and rewarding summer. The work is demanding but satisfying—building and maintaining woodland trails, removing invasive plant species, shoring up eroded slopes and helping to document the process of restoring the disturbed woodland toward a more balanced state. Team-building activities help create a strong sense of community and connection both for fellow interns and for the project's collective mission. 

Field Work

Under the direction of an experienced crew leader, interns will be assigned a small crew and work site where they can implement their own plans for trail maintenance, erosion control, invasive removal and native species plantings. As interns gain confidence with basic restoration skills and problem solving as a team, they take ownership over their work sites.  

Field-based Coursework

All interns take one course: first-year interns take Restoration of NYC's Natural Areas; second-year interns take Mapping NYC's Urban Environment: An Intro to GIS. The coursework and the field work are complementary; both are integrated to create a meaningful and practical learning experience. Interns also work together on group projects involving data collection and field research related to their work sites. These projects make up a significant portion of the final course grade. Students receive three college credits for successful completion of either course through the College of Mount Saint Vincent. 

Winter 2019 PAID 14-month internship program at Wave Hill

The Woodland Ecology Research Mentorship (WERM) is open to current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. This 14-month program provides a unique opportunity to work with local ecologists and participate in ecological research projects. WERM students learn content and develop basic research skills during their first summer through hands-on projects and coursework.  

After building on their skills at weekend workshops during the academic year, students embark on a final research project under the guidance of a science mentor for their second summer. The application deadline for this program is March 31st, 2019. For more information and the online application please go to

Become a WERM!

Wave Hill’s Woodland Ecology Research Mentorship is a  14-month program offering motivated New York City high school students a unique opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of the principles of ecology, focusing particularly on ecological restoration in New York City, and to participate in important field research with working scientists―all while getting paid! 

The WERM Application is now open.
The Application Deadline is Sunday March 31.

Apply Here

Program runs from June 2019–August 2020.

  • Summer 2019
    • Program runs from June 27 to August 20, 2019.
    • In June, required family orientation and intern-training sessions will take place. These sessions will not conflict with school attendance.
    • Sessions run from approximately 9AM to 5PM, Monday through Friday.
  • Academic Year 2019–2020
    • Meets most Saturdays from mid-September through mid-June.
    • Three to four meetings take place on weekdays when school is not in session.
    • Optional community serivces opportunities are available on weekday afternoons and on Sundays.
  • Summer 2020
    • Summer phase runs from July to approximately August 22, 2020.
    • Sessions take place five days per week for approximately 30 hours per week. 
    • Schedule is Monday through Friday, 9:30AM to 4PM.


  • Currently enrolled in the 9th, 10th or 11th grade in a New York City high school   
  • Strong interest in science research and the urban environment
  • Strong academic record, especially in the sciences
  • Able and motivated to work independently
  • Available to participate in all three phases of the program as described above

Program Compensation and Benefits

  • Total compensation for 14-month program is at least $3,900, including stipend, merit scholarship and transportation benefits.
  • Nine college credits can be earned for successful completion of coursework.
  • 30 hours of community service are available (with opportunities to earn more hours).
  • The program includes career and college advice and access to an alumni network.

Program Description

Summer 2019

The program begins with two intensive courses—Mapping NYC's Urban Environment: An Intro to GIS and Restoration of NYC Natural Areas—through the College of Mount Saint Vincent. Each combines formal instruction with hands-on work in the field and in a computer lab. The summer also includes data collection in Wave Hill's woodlands, guest speakers, field trips and review sessions. By the end of this first summer, students have been exposed to the principles of forest and restoration ecology, standard methods for data collection and the use of GIS as a tool for scientific inquiry and analysis. 

Academic Year 2019–2020

The academic year is dedicated to building an understanding of the different methodologies used in scientific research, as well as to acquiring knowledge of the ecology of New York City’s natural areas. Through a series of weekly WERMShops, students meet local scientists, read scientific journals, explore local natural areas and practice data-collection methods using GPS and GIS.  
Examples of past WERMShops include:
  • Tour of research projects and Rutgers University's Hutchinson Memorial Forest
  • Kayaking with the Rockaway Waterfront Alliance
  • Hiking in Mianus River Gorge
  • Freshwater-ecology data collection in Van Cortlandt Park
WERMShops take place most Saturdays. Students should plan to be available from 9:30AM to 4:30PM, though many sessions are much shorter.
Students also earn community service hours by participating in ecological monitoring and restoration work at Wave Hill. Putting their newly acquired techniques to use, they collect data that contributes to existing research efforts, and help us improve our woodlands.
In the spring, students are split into small teams and paired with a mentor to begin laying the groundwork for their final project.
Summer 2020
The second summer, each participant spends time working on small-group research projects with his or her mentor, and putting in an additional 10 to 15 hours a week working with his or her team. Students will also take a 3-credit research methods course through The College of Mount Saint Vincent that will meet weekly to support students in their research. The projects culminate in a final poster, which is presented at a celebratory graduation symposium in August.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Winter 2019 Barnard STEP Program

The Barnard College Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) offers an exciting and rigorous academic
enrichment program designed to assist 7th – 12th grade students acquire the skills and knowledge necessary
to pursue post-secondary education leading to careers in scientific, technical or health-related fields, or the
licensed professions. STEP seeks to increase the representation of historically underrepresented or
economically disadvantaged students in those fields.
STEP Programs and Services:
Barnard STEP offers a number of academic and career oriented programs and services. These are subject to
change by term and summer.
 Tutorials and Study Groups: Students receive individual and group tutorials in all subjects.
 STEM Enrichment Class: Advanced work in mathematics, science, English, and computer science.
 Research: Opportunities to conduct scientific research and present findings to parents and a panel of
 College Counseling and Support: PSAT and SAT prep; financial aid advising, admissions support
 Career Activities: Guest speakers, field trips, career testing, and conferences.
STEM Careers
Barnard STEP supports students interested in pursuing careers in scientific, technical, or health-related fields,
or licensure professions, such as those listed below. While the program helps students acquire the skills and
knowledge needed to pursue such professions, it may not provide in-depth exploration into all of them.
Athletic Training
Certified Shorthand Reporting
Clinical Laboratory Practitioners
Interior Design
Land Surveying
Landscape Architecture
Massage Therapy
Medical Physics

Mental Health Practitioners
Occupational Therapy
Ophthalmic Dispensing
Physical Therapy
Public Accountancy
Respiratory Therapy
Social Work
Speech-Language Pathology
Veterinary Medicine

New Student Application Checklist
Please make sure to provide:

Completed application with dates and signatures (Pages 4 - 8)
Income Documentation (Family’s current federal income tax
form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ)
Student Academic Profile (School official/student’s counselor must complete)
Transcript (Most recent official or unofficial with standardized test scores if available)
No student will be admitted to STEP without submitting a COMPLETED application form, current
transcript/progress report, income documentation, and student academic profile.
Program Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for Barnard STEP, a student must:
 Be a New York State resident in grade 7th – 12th
Have an interest in scientific, technical, health, or licensed profession (see list of STEM careers)
Identify as African American/Black, Latino/Hispanic, Native American, or Alaskan American

Winter 2019 Futures & Options The ULF Program is a six week PAID summer internship program for graduating seniors from NYC high schools interested in finance, government, public policy or law.

The ULF Program is a six week PAID summer internship
program for graduating seniors from NYC high schools
interested in finance, government, public policy or law.
 INTERNSHIP – Participants work 40 hours per week as interns at
prestigious institutions in the municipal finance industry.
 COMPENSATION – Interns will be paid $15 per hour.
 SUPPORT – Futures and Options provides support to interns
throughout the summer with one-on-one guidance and career
development workshops such as bond training, writing and public
 MUNI DAY IN D.C. – Interns visit Washington, D.C. where they
tour the Capitol and meet public officials including a
Congressman and representatives from the SEC and the MSRB.
 SCHOLARSHIPS – The Municipal Forum awards each intern a
$500 book grant at the closing luncheon. After their freshman,
sophomore, and junior year of college, alumni of the program
are also eligible for an annual scholarship of up to $1,250,
subject to meeting a certain GPA.
 INTERNSHIP PARTNERS – ULF students intern at law firms,
financial advisory firms, investment banks, rating agencies and
public agencies. See the back of this flyer for a full list of our
2018 partners.

 44 interns at 41 private and public sector entities
 100% high school graduation rate
 100% college matriculation
 28 high schools  26 colleges

 732 students have completed internships through the ULF
 $832,500 in college scholarships have been awarded to
ULF alumni.

“The internship program has allowed me to develop an
appreciation for all the amazing work that people in the
municipal finance industry do, as well as its importance.”
Kartikay Sharma, Frasca & Associates

Are you a graduating senior interested in finance, law,
public policy, and/or government?
 Applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA
 Submit your application online at
 Priority deadline: January 18, 2019
 Final deadline: February 22, 2019
 You will be invited to an interview after you apply.
 Candidates who are accepted into the program will be
notified by mid-April.

Contact Futures and Options:
Meghan Becker| Senior Program Coordinator
Krista Kee| Program Coordinator
Aris Reyes| Assistant Program Coordinator



Winter 2019 Futures & Options The Internship Program The Opportunity Program

Students: New York City high school juniors and seniors

About the Program: Students get paid $15.00/hour to work as interns at
various businesses across the five boroughs
Time: 25-30 hours per week for 6 weeks (Early July – mid-August)
Career Development: Paid, mentored internships, ongoing work readiness
training and career exploration
Internship Site Support: Futures and Options provides ongoing workplace
guidance, support and mid-internship site visits.
Apply online at
Priority Deadline: Friday, February 8, 2019
Final Deadline: Friday, March 15, 2019

The Internship Program provides paid, mentored internships and career readiness workshops to high school
juniors and seniors. Interns acquire hands-on work experience and gain entry to small businesses, nonprofits,
government agencies and multinational corporations. Intern duties might include:
Sample Intern Tasks/Projects

 Answering phones
 Meeting preparation
 Creating social media content

 PowerPoint preparation
 Filing
 Spreadsheet maintenance

 Online research
 IT support

February 8, 2019 Priority Deadline
March 29, 2019 Final Deadline
May—June 2019 Orientation Workshops
and Employer Interviews

Early July — mid-August

James Gurney

Winter 2019 . Futures & Options Career Essentials helps NYC high school students build confidence while gaining career readiness, leadership and team building skills.

Career Essentials helps NYC high school students build confidence while gaining career readiness, leadership and team building skills.

Throughout the 13-week program students learn how to behave in a professional workplace

and network with peers. Career Essentials prepares students for internships and jobs in the future! Topics include:

Benefits of Career Essentials

 Interview Skills

 Resume Writing

 Communication Skills

 Presentation Skills

 Time Management

 Email/Telephone Skills

 Self Assessment

 Teamwork

 Career Exploration Field Trips

Contact Us

120 Broadway, Suite 1019, New York NY 10271 | 212.601.0002 |

Winter 2019 The Opportunity Network (OppNet) works with students from historically and systemically underrepresented communities in developing their skills, knowledge, and passions to achieve their college and career goals.

The Opportunity Network (OppNet) works with students from historically and systemically underrepresented
communities in developing their skills, knowledge, and passions to achieve their college and career goals.

 We honor the identities and embrace the power of each member of our community.

The Fellows Program

The Opportunity Network is a unique six-year career development program for
motivated and goal-driven high school students looking to:
• Examine personal values, skills, and passions for college and
career exploration;
• Get exposure to over 25 career tracks;
• Make personal connections with peers, professionals, and
contacts in higher education;
• Apply to four-year colleges or universities;
• Build resumes through paid internships or special enrichment
opportunities; and
• Develop a lifelong network of support leading to finding a “best
fit” college or university and rewarding careers.
Program Overview
The Fellows Program begins with a mandatory 2 week Summer Institute for
incoming students (rising juniors). Afterwards, from the beginning of junior
year to the end of senior year, students participate in weekly afterschool
workshops focusing on networking, professional skills, and career exploration.
Special activities throughout the year include field trips, guest speakers and
panels, and The Opportunity Network’s signature Speed Networking event.
Most class sessions and activities take place at OppNet’s offices in Lower
Through the summer opportunities program, juniors and seniors participate in
paid internships and fully funded unique enrichment programs all over New
York City, the United States, and the world. Many students are placed in a range
of internships gaining real-life experience in a variety of roles and industries.
Other students have received full scholarships to spend the summer on a
college campus or travel to Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Asia.
The college guidance program supports students and families throughout the
college selection process and includes college visits, SAT/ACT prep, and
individualized advising on admissions, financial aid, and scholarships. In recent
years, 100% Opportunity Network Fellows have been accepted to four-year
colleges and universities and just last year, 95% of the senior class’ financial
need was met.
After high school, students continue to participate in college success and
career readiness programming with continued peer-to-peer networking and
staff support.

Who Should Apply?
• All students that are currently enrolled in the tenth grade at
a New York City high school regardless of immigration or
citizenship status*.
*The Opportunity Network will not release information
about identifiable immigration status of students unless
consent is given or we are compelled to do so by law. We
will do everything in our legal authority to protect the
privacy of our community.
• Students that have demonstrated academic commitment.
Our current Fellows reflect their academic commitment by
taking challenging course loads. Most of our Fellows come
into our program with a GPA of 87 and above.
• Students who identify as a member of a historically and
systemically underrepresented community.
• Students that are pursuing their hobbies and interests with
passion and energy.
• Applicants should not already have access to the kinds of
resources, services, and opportunities the program offers
such as intensive college counseling and application
assistance, mandatory summer programming that conflicts
with OppNet’s Summer Institute, or participate in programs
such as SEO, Minds Matter, or Breakthrough.
• Applicants must be self-motivated to join a challenging
peer network and commit to OppNet as their primary
OppNet works to provide a safe and inclusive community
for all our Fellows. All students are encouraged to apply to
our program and OppNet is committed to serving,
protecting, and advocating for the fundamental rights of our
students, regardless of immigration or citizenship status*,
religion, race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity, disability, creed, age, marital or
familial status, or any other basis protected by law.

2019 Important Dates:
Applications goes live: Mon., Jan. 7th
Application Deadline: Tues., Feb. 26th
Group Interviews for Finalists: Mon., March 25th – Thurs., March 28th
Accepted Students Notified: Tues., April 9th

Winter 2019 NYC School Construction Authority offers a Summer Internship Program

Each year, the NYC School Construction Authority offers a Summer Internship Program (“SIP”) for 125 college-bound NYC public high school students. SIP is designed to provide students with exposure to a wide range of careers within the public and private sectors. This is accomplished through a paid, six-week internship at the SCA or with one of our business partners throughout New York City. Assignments may include reviewing drawings and specifications, drafting for students with AutoCAD proficiency, attending meetings, participating in limited supervised construction visits, internet research, word processing, spreadsheet creation, along with other clerical and administrative work. Students spend four days with their intern host and the remaining day attending educational programming.  Please distribute the attached program flyer and recommendation form to eligible students this week if possible. No more than five students per school will be selected to maintain program diversity.

Students recommended for SIP are expected to meet the following eligibility criteria:
1.       Be a New York City public high school current sophomorejunior or senior;
2.       Have an interest in one or more of the following career interest areas: architecture, engineering (civil, electrical, mechanical, and or environmental)construction management, business, information technology, public administration, and or real estate;
3.       Have a grade point average of 80 or higher;
4.       Be available to work full time from July 8 - August 16, 2019; and
5.       Be able to provide original proof of authorization to work in the United States during the SIP registration process during the first week in June at the SCA: this includes original unexpired I9 documentation and original age appropriate working papers if they are under the age of 18 as of July 82019
In order to be considered for SIP, the following application materials must be submitted to SIP by March 1, 2019.
1.       Completed online SIP application,
2.       Current resume (strongly preferred),
3.       Complete official high school transcript, and
4.       Recommendation form (see attached form)
Students are asked to upload their resume as well as their transcript (as a PDF document) to their online application or ask their school counselor to send the transcript to SIP electronically. The recommendation form is to be completed by a teacher or guidance counselor and returned directly to SIP electronically Incomplete applications will not be considered. If students have any difficulties, they may contact SIP at  Students will be notified of the selection decisions for the SIP interview process by email by March 20.  Interviews will be held during the NYC DOE Spring breakfrom April 22-25, 2019, at the SCAStudents will be notified of the selection decisions for the program by May 15.Students selected either to interview and/or for SIP will receive Doodle Poll invite by email asking them to register for these events.

The link to the Summer Internship Page on the SCA website is listed below:

Key Dates:
1)      Application Deadline: March 1
2)      Notification of selection decision for the interview process: March 10
3)      Interviews at the SCA offices in Long Island City: April 22-25
4)      Notification of selection decision for the interview process: May 15
5)      Registration with the SCA’s human resources department: June 3-6