Notes from Solid Ground Farm...
If you would like to join, use this easy link:
Or come by distribution after school between 3-5:30 at the Annex.
Here are the details!
- $100 for 8 weeks of farm fresh veggies (12.50 per week)
- 3-4 different, seasonal vegetables every week. Veggies like....
- Arugula, Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Collards, Cucumbers, Green Beans, Garlic, Kale, Lettuce, Onions, Sweet Peppers, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Radish, Salad Turnips, Spinach, Winter Squash and a few surprises.
- Pick up every Tuesday between the hours of 3pm – 5:30pm:
- September: 18, 25, October: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 November: 13
- $8 per enrollment goes to the WHEELS Family Teacher Association to support the school.
It's not too late to enroll :) Attached is a farm share flyer. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you for considering and have a great week!
Virginia Annibale
WHEELS FTA Representative
The farm here in Kingston has been growing delicious vegetables all summer, and we are looking forward to sharing the fall abundance with you!
Lastly, we are looking for volunteers to staff pick-ups - please email me if you can help!
Hola y bienvenidos a la compartición de granja de WHEELS!
Este es Wes, de Solid Ground Farm. Gracias por participar en nuestro CSA esta temporada. La granja aquí en Kingston ha estado cultivando deliciosas verduras durante todo el verano, ¡y deseamos compartir la abundancia de otoño con ustedes!
Distribución comienza mañana, el martes 18 de septiembre de 3:00-5:30pm afuero del Anexo. Si usted tiene un saldo a pagar, por favor, pague inmediatamente.
Si usted va a recoger su estudiante después de las 5:30 pm, su parte se dejará para usted al Anexo en Green Amazon Paquetes frescos.
Por último, estamos buscando voluntarios. Por favor envíeme un correo electrónico para ayudar
Vegetables / CSA / Microgreens / Pastured Chicken
ph: 607.216.5061
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