Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Spring 2018 Washington Heights RAPID RESPONSE TEXT ALERT


Over the past six months of living in the Holyrood Church, Amanda Morales has not just a been a mom struggling to keep her family intact and safe, she has become a leader in the immigrant rights community speaking for all the people who have to be silent.  As our neighbor, and as a leader, Amanda now doubly needs our support.
We are asking for your your cell number so we can text you in the event of an emergency. We do not know what lies ahead, but we know that we need to be prepared. Perhaps ICE shows up at Holyrood (179 St & Ft. Wash), or detains other undocumented neighbors, or targets other leaders.
Amanda may need your support in the form of your physical presence at the Church, or your help to make calls to electeds, or to protest outside a precinct or detention facility. In this event you will receive a text or phone call with specific instructions of how to help. We will not ask you to do anything dangerous or illegal, just to witness and show your support for Amanda and other neighbors in need of extra protection. We will not use your information for any other purpose except to contact you in the event of emergency.
Across the country, immigrants have come under attack. The DACA children brought here on average at the age of 6, and raised here as Americans, are facing deportation to countries they may not remember. Immigrants showing up for regular check-ins with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and parents picking up their children at school, have been detained and deported without notice to their families. Now, immigrant rights leaders are also being targeted by ICE.  New York is a true Sanctuary City only if we, regular people, step up to protect the diversity and safety of all our families.
Together, we can stand up for what is just, and decent, and neighborly. Our diversity is our strength,Your Neighbors in Sanctuary
Please sign up here online to be a part of the rapid response, fill out this form & leave at Holyrood, or email  the info to actionpotlucknyc@gmail.com.
NAME:_________________________________________________ SIGNATURE:___________________________________________CELL PHONE:______-_______-__________     ZIP:___________EMAIL:________________________________________________

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