Monday, September 7, 2015

FALL 2015 The Barnard College Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) aplication is due 9/28

The Barnard College Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) offers an exciting and rigorous academic enrichment program designed to assist 7th – 12th grade students acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to purse post-secondary education leading to careers in scientific, technical or health-related fields, or the licensed professions. STEP seeks to increase the representation of historically underrepresented or economically disadvantaged students in those fields.

STEP has the following goals
-Expose students to numerous careers requiring basic and advanced skills in mathematics and science.
-Provide students with opportunities to meet with role models and community leaders who may enhance their career and academic goals.
 -Introduce a creative and innovative learning experience for participants.
 -Present various workshops for parents that will assist them in taking an active role in their children’s academic lives.

Due: September 28, 2015

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