Saturday, November 8, 2014

Want to serve as a translator at our SLCs on Thursday, November 13, 2014?? Please see Ms. MacNeil in room 420 ASAP. :)

Want to serve as a translator at our SLCs on Thursday, November 13, 2014??

The basics...
1.  Commit to six hours: 12PM-3PM  and 5PM-8PM.

2.  Choose a BFF to serve with you. 

3.  Sign up to be housed in the team leader's room for the grade you want to serve.

4.  Bring your best translation skills, your best game face, and a massive pile of homework (to work discreetly when you're not "on").

5.  Enjoy pizza, on Mr. Kimmel

6.  Claim a modest thank you!  
a.  A high-school-wide-homework pass for semester 1.
b.  A cut-the-line-pass for Ms. Rodriguez. 
c.  $10 off prom tickets
d.  $10 college trip costs

7.  Know that there will be a few "extra" translators housed with me, 
in room 420, in case your own SLCs happen during service hours. 

Gentle reminders...
SLCs are confidential.
Translators translate, not advise. 
Translators wait in team leaders' rooms (read: not in the hall).

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