Sunday, August 31, 2014

Interested in food justice? Volunteer and support the WHEELS/Good Flavor Farms Partnership!

Who we are: At Good Flavor Farm we offer certified naturally grown produce from our small plot of land in Columbia County, NY. We harvest for the school calendar, and make 10 deliveries of vegetables to WHEELS from September through November. 

Our goal with this school-based program is to connect kids to healthy food, as well as the people and place where that food is grown. Our short season keeps costs low and we are proud to accept SNAP benefits.

What you get

We grow tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, greens, squash, potatoes, sweet and hot peppers, radish, beans, melons and so much more! 

We never use chemicals and our small scale = higher quality.

A typical Pick-Up in the early fall might include: 2 lbs of carrots, 1 bunch of collard greens, 2 or 3 cucumbers, 1/2 lb of green beans, 1 head of garlic, 1 head of lettuce, 1 melon, several hot peppers, and 3 lbs of tomatoes.A typical Pick-Up in the early winter might include: 2 lbs of parsnips, 2 lbs of beets, 1/2 lb of dried beans, 1 lb turnip greens, 1 or 2 winter squash, 1 head of garlic, and 2 lbs of onions.How much does it cost: $25 per Pick-Up.

How do you get your food: student members can grab their produce before leaving school once a week from Sept. - Nov. We ask that students take a turn helping us weigh out produce so everybody gets a fair share.Questions: Please contact the farm by email:

Want ART credit? Want docent experience? Want to work at the American Folk Art Museum? Due 9/12/2014

Due: Friday, September 12, 2014

·       Learn about folk art and self-taught artists from the 18th-21st centuries
·       Explore working in a museum environment with teens from across New York City
·       Give exhibition tours to peers and family
·       Meet with Museum curators, and other staff
·       Add experience to your college applications
·       Be eligible for a paid summer job working with camp and youth organizations in July/August 2015

Name:  _______________________________
Address:  _____________________________
Cell phone:  ___________________________
Email:  _______________________________
School:  ______________________________
Grade level:  __________________________
Date of birth:  _________________________
*Please star the best way to reach you…

Why are you interested in becoming a teen docent at the American Folk Art Museum?

What do you hope to learn from working as a teen docent at the Museum?

Can you make a weekly commitment of 1.5 hours after school on Tuesdays, from 4-5:30 PM, September 2014 through May 2015 (9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 11/18, 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/24, 3/3, 3/10, 4/14, 4/21, 4/28, 5/5, 5/12. 5/19, plus a TBD date for our final gallery presentations)?

Why are you interested in the arts?

How do you feel about working with and learning from your peers?

List your current personal/academic goals and how this program may help you meet them.

List some of your hobbies and areas of interest.

Contact:  Rachel Rosen, Director of Education
American Folk Art Museum
2 Lincoln Square
212.265.1040, ext. 381

Interested in MODERN Dance? BAM Due 9/17

Dates: Sat, Oct 25/Sat, Nov 1/Sat, Nov 15
Venue: Mark Morris Dance Center, 3 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11217
Application Deadline: Sept 17, 2014

BAM Education partners with Mark Morris Dance Center to present this free workshop series for dance students grades 9—12. In conjunction with the 2014 BAM Next Wave Festival, participants will learn from and engage with some of the festival’s most renowned dance artists. Bénédicte Billet—who worked for years as a dancer with Iconic BAM Artist Pina Bausch and Tanztheater Wuppertal—and the 2014 BAM Fisher Artist-in-Residence Ivy Baldwin will lead immersive workshops for teenage dancers and choreographers.
On Saturday, October 25 and Saturday, November 1, students will take part in modern technique classes and workshops with each of these artists, focused on the creative process and offering students a chance at in-depth discussion with the artists. Participants will also attend performances of Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch’s Kontakthof (Oct 25) and Ivy Baldwin Dance’s Oxbow (Nov 15). The program will conclude with a group discussion and reflection.

Enrollment is limited to 15 students. Participants should have at least two years dance training as well as previous choreographic experience. All students must submit an application and complete an interview in order to be considered for the program. There will be no audition. Participants must commit to both workshops (Oct 25 & Nov 1) and attend both performances (Oct 25 & Nov 15). BAM will cover the cost of travel and performance tickets.

Questions? Contact: Eveline Chang,

Apply on line!