Monday, March 24, 2014

A farm share at WHEELS in 2014?! WHEELS and Good Flavor Farms?

Last week, Ms. Giannella, Mr. Maciejewski and I met with folks from Alianza Dominicana and Good Flavor Farm to explore the possibility of a partnership during the 2014-2015 school year.  If there's interest, team nine next year will participate in a Farm Share with folks in our community, which could include the partners above, students, families, staff, and teachers they represent!  Ninth graders (and, potentially, other interested students) will be eligible to participate in several ways via the distribution of produce; the creation of a newsletter with harvest lists; the collection and sharing of recipes; interviews with the farmer, etc!

The basics:
  • 10 weeks (September 2014-November 2014);
  • $25/week;
  • delivery directly to WHEELS;
  • paid in advance, in cash/check  -OR- paid week-to-week with a SNAP (formerly EBT) benefits card, with a $50 cash deposit (returned, in full, upon completion of all 10 weeks).
In order to move forward, we need to guarantee 25-35 shares.
Who can/will/wants to/commit?  

Let us know?  Y'all can email me, directly if you're interested.  Or best of all, tell me face-to-face.

With our thanks,
Ms. MacNeil 

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