Monday, March 24, 2014

Follow your passions! Visit

How it works

We find promising students with specific passions

Students learn about Wishbone from their teachers and apply online. Students must meet these criteria:
  • Current high school student (grades 9 through 12)
  • Living in New York City or the San Francisco Bay Area
  • Low-income
  • Passionate about a particular interest, such as music, science, leadership, or athletics

Students apply for a program that fits their needs

We have a network of high-quality, accredited programs for students to choose from, based on their interests and location. Each program is vetted for our students and their skill sets.
If a student applies and qualifies for a program, we invite them to complete a full application, including:
  • Brief questions
  • A personal essay
  • Consent from a parent or guardian
  • A written recommendation from a teacher, coach, or mentor
Every Wishbone student has an adult advocate. Along with their personal recommendation, we ask the student's teacher to help them through the application process and program experience.

We fundraise from a variety of sources

Support from Wishbone comes from foundations, corporations, and program providers — who often offer reduced tuition as well. Students can also receive funding directly through individual donors on our website.
We're able to help a growing number of students financially by matching them with different scholarship opportunities.

We share success stories to inspire others

Our students share updates about their experience with donors online and by email. After finishing their program, they return to classrooms more engaged — inspiring peers with a heightened sense of personal motivation and involvement in their education.

A farm share at WHEELS in 2014?! WHEELS and Good Flavor Farms?

Last week, Ms. Giannella, Mr. Maciejewski and I met with folks from Alianza Dominicana and Good Flavor Farm to explore the possibility of a partnership during the 2014-2015 school year.  If there's interest, team nine next year will participate in a Farm Share with folks in our community, which could include the partners above, students, families, staff, and teachers they represent!  Ninth graders (and, potentially, other interested students) will be eligible to participate in several ways via the distribution of produce; the creation of a newsletter with harvest lists; the collection and sharing of recipes; interviews with the farmer, etc!

The basics:
  • 10 weeks (September 2014-November 2014);
  • $25/week;
  • delivery directly to WHEELS;
  • paid in advance, in cash/check  -OR- paid week-to-week with a SNAP (formerly EBT) benefits card, with a $50 cash deposit (returned, in full, upon completion of all 10 weeks).
In order to move forward, we need to guarantee 25-35 shares.
Who can/will/wants to/commit?  

Let us know?  Y'all can email me, directly if you're interested.  Or best of all, tell me face-to-face.

With our thanks,
Ms. MacNeil 

The Nike Ultimate Camp at Manhattan College is a summer ultimate camp designed for boys and girls (ages 11-18) seeking an exciting summer experience...

The Nike Ultimate Camp at Manhattan College is a summer ultimate camp designed for boys and girls (ages 11-18) seeking an exciting summer experience with the sport of ultimate. We are offering one week of camp with Overnight (ages 14-18 only), Extended Day (9:30am-8:00pm) and Day (9:30am-4:30pm) program options.
In addition to the same ultimate instruction provided to Day campers, to Extended Day and to Overnight campers there will be also video review for field play & running/throwing form, some initial exposure to strength training/weight lifting, yoga, and other cross fitness activities.
Camp is directed and staffed by top DiscNY coaches including Aaron Bell, Isaiah Bryant, Emilio Panasci, Emma Groetzinger and Dan Heijmen. Our dedicated camp staff teach campers to be the best ultimate players they can be, and strive to be a positive force in their lives for years to come, on and off the field!
Register Today or Get More Info: | 1-800-NIKE-CAMP

Summer 2014 Rockefeller University Summer Neuroscience Program... August 18-29, 2014. Students sixteen years and older... Nomination required... Nominations due: April 15, 2014. Interviews by May 1, 2014. Final decisions by May 15, 014.

The SNP 2014 deadline for nominations is April 15, 2014.
Nominated students should expect to hear about interviews by May 1.
Interviewed students should expect to receive a final decision by May 15.

Summer Neuroscience Program (SNP)

The Summer Neuroscience Program (SNP) at Rockefeller University is a two-week course aimed at introducing talented and enthusiastic high school students to the brain. Led by graduate students, the program takes a look at the most current research in neuroscience in an effort to understand how our brain works and how it relates to our daily life. In addition to the series of highly interactive lectures, students present fun and fascinating journal articles to their classmates. Students also visit research laboratories, dissect brains, and design and conduct neuroscience experiments.

SNP 2014 will take place during the weeks of August 18-29, meeting Monday through Friday from 9:30am to 4:00pm. Classes are held at the Rockefeller University in Manhattan (Map), and all expenses are covered, including MTA passes, meals, and school supplies throughout the program. 
We seek motivated, mature, and inquisitive students, irrespective of previous scholastic achievement or interest level in science. To be eligible for participation, students must be enrolled in a New York City public school, and must be at least 16 years of age at the start of the program -- we cannot make exceptions! Students must be nominated by a teacher or mentor, and a subset of nominated students will be contacted by the SNP directors to arrange an interview.

Summer Neuroscience Program (SNP)

About SNP
The Summer Neuroscience Program (SNP) at Rockefeller University is a two-week course aimed at introducing talented and enthusiastic high school students to the brain. Led by graduate students, the program takes a look at the most current research in neuroscience, in an effort to understand how our brain works and how it relates to our daily life. Despite hundreds of years of research and thousands of discoveries, the human brain still holds countless mysteries. At SNP, students learn about the brain by posing questions…
  • How do we form memories?
  • What are smells?
  • Why do we sleep and dream?
  • How did our brains evolve?
  • What happens to the brain in Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease?
  • Why are some drugs addictive?
  • How do brain cells work?
  • How do we hear sounds?
  • Are animals conscious?
  • Why do we fall in love?
  • What happens to the brain when we're depressed?
  • And many many more...
In addition to the series of highly interactive lectures, students present fun, fascinating journal articles to their classmates. Students also visit research laboratories, dissect brains, and design and conduct neuroscience experiments.

The course takes place from 9:30am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday, during the last two weeks of August (please see the main page or nominations page for specific dates). Classes are held at the Rockefeller University in Manhattan, and all expenses are covered, including metro passes, meals, and school supplies throughout the program. 
We seek motivated, mature, and inquisitive students, irrespective of previous scholastic achievement or interest level in science. To be eligible for participation, students must be enrolled in a New York City public school, and must be at least 16 years of age at the start of the program -- we cannot make exceptions. Students must be nominated by a teacher or mentor, and a subset of nominated students will be contacted by the SNP directors to arrange an interview.

Competitive summer 2014 internship at The Manhattan District Attorney's Office. Due: April 18, 2014

Legal Bound High School Summer Internship Program

High School Internship

Our office’s Legal Bound High School Summer Internship Program is a rigorous six-week internship that provides students with an insider’s view of the criminal justice system and law enforcement in New York County. This internship is open to rising juniors and seniors in high school who reside in Manhattan. Our interns attend a variety of public, private and parochial schools representing the diverse communities of the borough.
Interns are assigned to various units within the office and assist attorneys and support staff with projects and other responsibilities. They also attend many law-related presentations and trips and prepare for a mock trial throughout the program.


  • Applicants must reside in Manhattan
  • Must be a rising junior or senior in high school
  • Must commit to attend entirety of program from July 7, 2014 - August 15, 2014, Mondays - Fridays from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM  

Application Guidelines

Applicants must postmark the following application materials by Friday, April 18, 2014:
  • A current résumé
  • An essay, no longer than 2 pages, explaining their interest in the law
  • A letter of recommendation from current school
  • A second letter of recommendation from a teacher, mentor, or another individual the applicant has worked with
Please submit application materials to:
New York County District Attorney’s Office
Community Affairs Unit
Attention: Ms. Carol Ragsdale
One Hogan Place, Room 843
New York, New York 10013
Telephone: (212) 335-9082
Contact the Program Supervisors:
Jennifer Cariño, 212-335-9064
Denise Liriano, 212-335-3055
Only complete applications will be reviewed. Interviews will be scheduled on weekdays during after school hours throughout April and May. Not everyone who applies will be invited to an interview.


Applicants must reside in Manhattan Must be a rising junior or senior in high
school Must commit to attend entirety of pro-
gram from July 7, 2014 - August 15, 2014, Mondays - Fridays from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Application Guidelines
Applicants must postmark the following appli- cation materials by Friday, April 18, 2014: A current résumé An essay, no longer than two pages, ex-
plaining their interest in the law A letter of recommendation from current
school A second letter of recommendation from
a teacher, mentor or another individual the applicant has worked with
Please submit application materials to:
New York County District Attorney’s Office Community Affairs Unit Attention: Ms. Carol Ragsdale One Hogan Place, Room 843
New York, New York 10013 Email:
Contact the Program Supervisors: Jennifer Cariño, 212-335-9064 Denise Liriano, 212-335-3055

PAID summer 2014 internship at the Museum of Art and Design Due: April 25, 2014

Applications are now being accepted for Artslife 2014!
Artslife is a leadership program for teenagers based on museum studies and design. Participants will be introduced to museum careers such as curatorial, education, development, PR/marketing, visitor services, security/registrar and execute projects collaboratively with museum staff. Following an intensive training week during which participants are introduced to the museum, its staff and each other, they spend the summer working on several projects at once. Museum staff, local designers, and other arts professionals act as consultants on collaborative projects and mentor the participants. Artslife 2014 will focus specifically on design. In conjunction with MAD’s featured summer exhibition NYC Makers Open, the incredible breadth of highly skilled local designers and possible design careers in NYC will be highlighted. Projects include:
  • crash courses in design
  • field trips to cultural destinations aroudn the city
  • collaborative study projects with other students
  • leadership workshops 
Artslife is a seven week program.
July 8 - August 22, 2014
Tuesdays – Fridays from 10 am to 4 pm
Apply to Artslife
The deadline for applications to Artslife is April 25, 2014 at 5:00 pm.
Applicants for Artslife should be:
  • Interested in learning about museums, art and design
  • Enthusiastic and responsible
  • High school students who are currently sophomores and juniors
  • Residents of one of the 5 boroughs of New York City
Applicants need not be planning a career in museum work or art. Internships will be awarded to students based upon their interests, abilities and potential to benefit from the experience.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Camp GOALS Due: 3/14/2014 FREE

Proudly supported by

(Greater Opportunities Advancing Leadership and Science) for Girls is an application based, free six-week summer camp for current 8th and 9th grade girls from 
New York City schools.
This is not your average summer camp. 
Through dynamic hands-on activities, field studies and workshops, 
50 accepted students 
will build proficiency in the fields of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics 

March 14
March 27 & 28
April 6 & 12
May TBD June 11
July 7
Aug. 15 &16

Student application (including teacher recommendation and parent/guardian signature of support) due
Applicants are notified if they have been invited for an interview
Interview sessions at the Intrepid Museum for invited applicants
Decisions are made and parents/students are contacted
Mandatory parent/camper Orientation at the Intrepid Museum
First day of camp at the Intrepid Museum Overnight aboard Intrepid and last day of camp
* Dates subject to change

Location: Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, One Intrepid Square, W. 46th St and 12th Ave, New York, NY 10036
Camp Hours: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Transportation: Each camper will be given a combination of unlimited monthly and weekly Metrocards to be used during camp dates only. Lost or stolen Metrocards may not be replaced.
Camp Lunch: All Campers will be provided with free, healthy lunches during on-ship activities and workshops. Lunches will not be provided on fieldtrip days.
To Apply: Online applications and additional information available mid-January 2014 at:
For more information, contact Shay Saleem at
One Intrepid Square, W. 46th St and 12th Ave. New York, NY 10036-4103

Camp GOALS stands for Greater Opportunities Advancing Leadership and Science for Girls. Funded by the Motorola Solutions Foundation, Camp GOALS began in 2008 as GOALS for Girls- Propel Yourself Forward, a partnership with four Young Women Leadership Schools in New York City. The program focused on providing five 8th grade student classes and participating math and science teachers with Intrepid-focused hands-on, inquiry-based activities and lessons. As enrichment to the program two Youth Leadership Conferences were held aboard the Intrepid for the entire 8th grade class from all four schools. The Conference provided the students with the opportunity to speak with and hear from influential women in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields. Many distinguished women volunteered to serve as mentors, including professors and graduate students from Mercy College, Columbia University, Brooklyn College, CUNY and St. Francis College, to name a few institutions.

The success of the 2008 GOALS program propelled the Motorola Solutions Foundation to increase impact and expand the opportunity for additional girls to be engaged in the sciences. Therefore, Camp GOALS for Girls was created as a 4-week summer science program for rising 7th and 8th grade female students. Through the completion of the competitive application and interview process, 40 female students from high-needs/low-income neighborhoods attending New York City Title I public schools attended the first Camp GOALS for Girls in 2009. This 4-week summer program immersed the girls in various STEM-related activities, engaged in field trip to educational institutions throughout New York City, provided the opportunity to meet and speak with influential women in the sciences and culminated with an overnight stay aboard the Intrepid Museum.
Camp GOALS for Girls, Mission
The mission of the Camp GOALS for Girls program is to build proficiency in math and science skills while drawing on resources from the Intrepid Museum exhibits, visits with partner educational institutions and meetings with female scientists and professionals from the STEM fields. Camp GOALS fosters curiosity and inspires female students to explore the sciences and realize the possibilities of STEM career paths.
The Continuation of Success
Camp GOALS for Girls has continued to be a program that is popular among female student participants, their parents and education professionals. Since 2009, Camp GOALS has broadened its scope by encouraging rising 9th and 10th grade girls from NYC public schools to participate in 6 weeks of academic enrichment through engaging, hands-on activities and fieldtrips. Over the past 4 years, the Camp program has impacted approximately 150 middle and high schools girls and their families and worked with over 200 colleges and universities, corporations, education professionals and NYC Department of Education, public schools.

The program has expanded to include year-long experiences for Camp alumnae, family and friends. Through chosen Saturday/Sunday afternoons at the Intrepid, educators continue to provide exciting and innovative programming in the STEM disciplines for the “GOALS community.” Additional opportunities are also provided, such as college readiness workshops, college fairs and summer jobs and internships.

How to Attend
The Process
All female students who attend the Camp GOALS for Girls 2014 summer program must meet the qualifications and must complete an interview with one of the Intrepid Education Staff. The robust student application is utilized to assess the student’s interests in math and science, writing and organizational, academic achievements, and social and leadership abilities. Once the student has completed the full application and assessments have been made, she may be asked to participate in the interview process. After the one-on-one interview with the Intrepid’s Education Staff, the student and her parent/guardian will be contacted as to her acceptance into the program. You can read more about the student application, interview process, and acceptances below.
This program derives its uniqueness from the real-world through engineering, environmental studies and awareness, as well as one-on-one mentoring with women established in the sciences. Participants work side-by-side with female professionals from various cultural institutions, government agencies, and community and global organizations. The camp promotes developing a positive sense of self and establishing lifelong friendships.

*Camper selection is not made on a first come-first-serve basis.

All female students must:
  • Reside and attend a school located in the 5 boroughs of New York City (Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Bronx, and Staten Island)
  • Be a rising 9th or 10th grader in the Fall of 2014 (current 8th or 9th grader)
  • Attend a New York City school (female students that attend NYC Title 1 public schools are highly encouraged to apply and are given priority of assessment)
  • Complete the full application, includes essay, copy of transcripts and teacher recommendation from Math or Science teacher (additional information/deadlines are noted within these documents)
Who do we want?
Once all the necessary qualifications are met, the Camp GOALS for Girls program encourages the following female students to apply:
  • You really like math and science, but your current academic grades do not reflect your abilities
  • You really like math and science, and your current grades reflect high academic achievement
  • You are interested in learning more about the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields through hands-on exploration and discovery
  • You enjoy working in teams, trying new things, making new friends
  • You are interested in learning more about the many fields of math and science, including engineering and computer science
  • You are able to commit to the full 6-weeks of summer fun and learning

FREE The Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program (HOPP) Summer Student Program Summer internship. Due: 3/15

Welcome to the Online Student Application System
Program Description
The Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program (HOPP) Summer Student Program is designed for high school students who are interested in pursuing careers in biomedical-related sciences. Each student works directly with a postdoc, graduate student, or research technician under the direction of a Principal Investigator (PI) to complete a research project. The hands-on experience in cutting-edge laboratories provides students with rich knowledge about translational research in oncology. During their eight weeks in the program, students will learn techniques for conducting research experiments and at the end of the summer prepare a poster to display his or her research project.
Students will also be given a rich curriculum of additional activities that will enhance their experience at MSKCC. For example, they will be required to attend weekly meetings and/or seminars administered by Program Administration or Human Resources. They also may have the opportunity to visit clinical settings.
Who is Eligible
HOPP seeks high school students in the Tri-State area who are intelligent, self-motivated, and passionate about science to join our 2014 Summer Student Program.  Searches are now under way for this summer's program, which will run Thursday, June 27 through Friday, August 23. Minority high school students from underserved backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply.
Application Deadline

Saturday, March 15, 2014 at 11:59pm EST

Students must meet the following criteria:
  • Completion of the 9th grade by June 2014
  • A genuine interest in science and/or technology
  • 3.0 GPA in science subjects
  • Eight-week commitment to the program (June 27 - August 22)
Program Details
  • Applications will be accepted January 6 through March 15
  • Notification of acceptance to the program will be made by April 21
  • Students will receive a $1,500 stipend upon completion of the program
  • Transportation and housing and are not provided. The student is responsible for arranging both. We will supply housing resource information to students accepted to the program.
Application Requirements
We strongly encourage you to read our Program FAQs before beginning an application.

To begin the application process you must register for an account. Once your registration request has been received, you will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to activate your account. After activating your account, you will be able to log in to the system and begin the application process.
The following materials will need to be submitted in a PDF format:
  • Resume
  • Cover letter
  • Copy of school transcript
  • Two strong letters of recommendation from a science teacher and academic advisor. These letters must speak of your level of science content knowledge (general understanding of biological concepts) and prior experience working in a laboratory, if applicable.
The following martial may be copy and pasted into the field allotted:
  • Essay (250 words) written by the student about why you are interested in pursuing a career in biomedical research
Applications will not be accepted after the March 15th deadline. The review process will begin shortly after the receipt of a completed application, so we advise applicants to submit their materials as soon as possible. Completed applications require the submission of two letters of recommendation at the time review.
If you have questions regarding your application or require assistance with the online application system, please contact Program Administration

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