Friday, December 20, 2013

YMWHA on Nagle! TEEN Leadership Program! Begins January 13, 2014! SIGN UP ASAP!

Teen Leadership Program

The Teen Leadership Program is aimed to empower youth in having an impact in their future and their communities. Find below some relevant details but please feel free to contact us for any extra information:

The program is free!

We will start January 13th 2014.

Mondays: 5.45 - 7.30pm 

There will be 2 groups: one for middle school and one for high school students!

The program will have 3 main components:

1. Community Service: We will collaborate with community organizations to offer meaningful volunteering placements for each student, according to their preferences. Some of the options include senior residencies, homeless shelters, urban farms, nurseries and after school programs.

2. Career, College and SAT preparation: We will start with an introduction on how the system works for teens (and parents) that are not familiar with the process. We will also have some activities oriented to discover what career best fits each one of us, in case some students are not sure what the best path for them is. We will talk about College applications, how to organize ourselves, interviewing skills, SAT preparation and financial AID.

3. Leadership and Social Justice: Using the arts (graffiti, theater, hip-hop, DJ, dance, video, etc.) we will develop our leadership skills and we will learn how to be critical thinkers and citizens that positively impact our community. We will visit organizations that are already making a change and collaborate with them.

Please forward this information to anyone who might be interested in the program as we are trying to reach out to as many people as possible!

Thank you for your time,

Lidia Climent Martinez, Youth Programs 

YM & YWHA of Washington Heights & Inwood

54 Nagle Avenue

New York, NY 10040

(917) 915-0140

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