Thursday, August 22, 2013

Looking for volunteer opportunities for 2013-2014? Try this websites,,,,

In their own words...
Who We Are

  1. Believe in young people.
    Young people have the power to lead. We don't require old people!
  1. Trust young people.
    We provide reliable, easy-to-access information and activation strategies, but young people decide for themselves what to do.
  1. Celebrate young people. 
    We think all measurable contributions from young people are valuable.
  1. Respect young people. 
    We understand that young people have diverse abilities and constraints.
  1. Value young people. 
    Our programs and products are free. We're not after young people's money; we want their passion, time, and creativity.
  • Help more New Yorkers connect to service opportunities more easily
  • Target volunteers to address the City’s greatest needs
  • Promote service as a core part of what it means to be a citizen of the greatest City in the world.
  • Strengthening communities
  • Helping neighbors in need
  • Improving education
  • Protecting our environment
  • Increasing public health
  • Enhancing emergency preparedness
Our Vision
  • All people can lead free and dignified lives.
  • Every person who wants to help another has the ability to do so.
  • No opportunities for action or collaboration are missed or wasted.
Our Mission is the country’s largest not-for-profit for young people and social change. We have 2,144,516 members (and counting!) who kick ass on causes they care about. Bullying. Animal cruelty. Homelessness. Cancer. The list goes on. spearheads national campaigns so 13- to 25-year-olds can make an impact - without ever needing money, an adult, or a car. Over 2.4 million people took action through in 2012. Why? Because apathy sucks.

Volunteer Match
In their own words...

We're a community: we connect people who want to change the world together.

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NYC Service
In their own words...

In April 2009, Mayor Bloomberg launched NYC Service, the citywide initiative tasked with setting a new standard for how cities can tap the power of their people to tackle their most pressing challenges.
NYC Service is comprised of 21 diverse and innovative initiatives that aim to achieve three overarching goals:
A key focus of NYC Service is to heighten accountability within the field and to set a new standard for measuring the impact of volunteerism and service.
NYC Service aims to drive volunteer resources to six impact areas where New York City’s needs are greatest:

In their own words...

We would like to live in a world where:
Idealist connects people, organizations, and resources to help build a world where all people can live free and dignified lives.
Idealist is independent of any government, political ideology, or religious creed. Our work is guided by the common desire of our members and supporters to find practical solutions to social and environmental problems, in a spirit of generosity and mutual respect.

Family to Family
In their own words...

Family-to-Family (F-to-F) is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3), non-profit national hunger and poverty relief organization. We are dedicated to connecting, one-to-one, families with enough to share to impoverished American families with profoundly less. Our program creates a bridge between communities with “more” and some of our country’s poorest areas.
Sponsoring families and individuals are eager to link themselves, over time, to moms, dads and kids living in abject poverty. They share the sentiment of anthropologist Margaret Mead, who once said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world”.
Our members give in a variety of ways. Some welcome the concrete responsibility of shopping for, packing, and sending a monthly carton of non-perishable groceries which provide 7 dinner-type meals to the family they “sponsor”. Some shop for and send “monthly drive items” – non-food basic necessities – while contributing a monthly donation to F-to-F, which we use to purchase groceries for 7 dinner-type meals for “their” family. Some simply make the monthly donation for groceries for “their” family.
F-to-F purchases groceries at discounted rates from a constellation of large chain supermarkets and Feeding America food banks to provide food for the families we serve. Each receiving family picks up the box packed especially for them from a community partner in their area, each of whom is affiliated with a local food pantry, outreach organization, school or church.
In an effort to create “possibilities”, F-to-F encourages donors and recipients to connect and communicate when possible and comfortable. We suggest donors reach out to the family we have linked them to with a letter…and often sponsored families write back. We hope that by creating a bond of friendship between families who would otherwise never have had the opportunity to connect, lives will be changed for the better, even if ever so slightly. Currently, F-to-F provides over 12,000 meals per month to over 1,800 struggling moms, dads and kids in 12 states across the U.S.A.
In addition to the family sponsorship program, we’ve created a constellation of other giving opportunities, all designed to provide kids, families and adults with meaningful, hands-on giving experiences.

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