Monday, November 25, 2013

Call for Submissions: The Harmony Ink Press Young Author Challenge. Harmony Ink Press is looking for young authors writing in the LGBT genre!

Call for Submissions: The Harmony Ink Press Young Author Challenge

Posted on November 13, 2013 by  in Calls for Submissions
Harmony Ink Young Author Challenge
Harmony Ink Press is looking for young authors writing in the LGBT genre! As part of our anniversary celebration, we are inviting young writers to submit short stories for our first Young Author Challenge.Submissions between 2,000 – 10,000 words will be considered. Main characters should be 14 – 18 years old and can be gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or still in the process of working out their sexual/gender identity. The story should portray positive LGBT characters who grow or change for the better in some way. See the general Harmony Ink submission guidelines for more information.
Authors can be between the ages of 14 – 21. If the author is 17 or younger, a parent or legal guardian will have to sign the publication contract should a story be accepted.
Selected stories will be published in an anthology to be released in both paperback and eBook formats. Winners will be announced as part of the Harmony Ink anniversary celebration in March 2014. Accepted authors will be paid a flat rate based on story length. Payments will range from $25 – $55. Feedback from at least one published author will be provided for all submissions.
Submission Deadline: March 15, 2014
Publication Date: July 2014
Send all submissions to Please include “Young Author Challenge Submission” in the subject line of the e-mail.
- See more at:

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Spon­sors for Edu­ca­tional Oppor­tu­nity (SEO)! Ninth graders! Apply by December 13, 2013!

Spon­sors for Edu­ca­tional Oppor­tu­nity (SEO) pro­vides supe­rior edu­ca­tional and career pro­grams to young peo­ple from under­served com­mu­ni­ties to max­i­mize their oppor­tu­ni­ties for col­lege and career success.


  • 9th grade public high school students in New York City & San Francisco only
  • Students with at least a 77% GPA or 2.0 GPA
  • Completed Application Form
  • Most Recent Report Card
  • Teacher Recommendation
  • Short Response and Applicant Essay
  • Proof of Family Income

We accept applications from:
Note: You do not have to be a U.S. Citizen to apply. We do not, however, accept international applicants.

Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Workshop in Inwood Hill Park Saturday, November 23, 2013 3:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

Inwood Hill Park

Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Workshop

Saturday, November 23, 2013
3:00 p.m.5:00 p.m.
Interact with the native species of New York City and learn about nature rehabilitation work during this Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Workshop. Bobby and Kathy Horvath of WINORR (Wildlife in Need of Rescue and Rehabilitation) bring a wonderful assortment of rescued owls, other birds of prey, and animals for visitors to meet first hand.

International Center of Photography Teen Academy Scholarships available

Teen Academy
© Jakob Sweet
© Nyssa Berman
© Ilaria Lampson
Photo I in Black-and-White: Camera and Darkroom
January 25 - March 29 Saturdays | 11 am–2 pm or 3–6 pm January 30 - April 3 Thursdays | 4–6:30 pm
create your own prints in the darkroom.
Photo I in Color: Color Film and Darkroom*
January 25 - March 29 | Saturdays | 2–5 pm January 26 - March 30 | Sundays | 2–5 pm
darkroom printing.
Photo II in Black-and-White: Lighting for Portraiture**
January 26 - March 30 | Sundays | 11 am–2 pm
Learn techniques in natural and artificial lighting while creating a portfolio of black-and-white portraits.
Photo II in Black-and-White: Exploring Self-Portraiture**
January 26 - March 30 | Sundays | 3–6pm
Turn the camera on yourself! Discover the genre of self- portraiture through photography assignments and visual presentations.
* Prerequisite Photo I in Black-and-White or Photo I in Color as approved ** Prerequisite Photo I in Black-and-White as approved by Community
Scholarship applications are available online.
For more information: 212.857.0058
© Christina Baez
1114 Avenue of the Americas at 43rd Street New York NY 10036 T 212.857.0000 F 212.857.0090
ICP Teen Academy Scholarship Application Winter 2014
Please return this completed application and requested documentation to:
ATTN: TEEN ACADEMY OR by Fax to: 212-857-0091 / 212-857-0090 International Center of Photography 1114 Avenue of the Americas at 43rd Street New York, NY 10036
For more information contact Dee Campos, Teen Academy Coordinator:
Please indicate which course you are applying for (see attached flyer for course descriptions)
Winter 2014 Dates: Saturdays January 25 – March 29; Sundays January 26 – March 30; Thursdays January 30 – April 3
Application Deadline: Monday, January 13th at 5pm
Photography I in Black-and-White: Camera and Darkroom – Saturdays, 11am-2pm Photography I in Black-and-White: Camera and Darkroom – Saturdays, 3-6pm Photography I in Black-and-White: Camera and Darkroom – Thursdays, 4-6:30pm Photography I in Color: Color Film and Darkroom – Saturdays, 2-5pm* Photography I in Color: Color Film and Darkroom – Sunday, 2-5pm*
Photography II in Black-and-White: Lighting for Portraiture – Sundays, 11am-2pm* Photography II in Black-and-White: Exploring Self-Portraiture – Sundays, 3-6pm*
*For all Photography II classes and Photography I in Color, there is a prerequisite of Photography I in Black-and-White or equivalent as approved by ICP Community Programs Staff
Grade (please check):
9th 10th 11th 12th
Date of Birth:
Street Address: Apt. City: State: Zip:
Student Home Phone: Parent Name: Parent Email: Parent Home Phone: Parent Cell:
School: How did you hear about Teen Academy? Will you need to borrow a 35mm SLR film camera for the course?
School Contact Email:
Teen Academy Scholarship Application Winter 2014
Student Cell:
PART TWO: STUDENT QUESTIONNAIRE To provide us with a better understanding of your photography experience and interest in the class, please type your
detailed answers to the following questions on a separate piece of paper: 1. Why are you interested in photography, and what do you like best about it?
2. Do you have any past experience with photography? If so, please describe by including the names of class/es taken, how many sessions, and the specific skills that you learned.
3. Why are you interested in this class? What do you hope to gain? What qualities will you bring?
Please complete the following section as it pertains to the applicant. We ask the following questions to help us collect statistical information about each applicant. Your response to these questions is helpful, but also optional.
___ Female ___ Male
___ African-American/Black ___ Asian/Pacific Islander ___ Caucasian
___ Hispanic/Latino ___ Native American/Alaskan Native ___ Other (please specify) ___________________________
Home Neighborhood ___________________________ School Neighborhood __________________________
This section must be completed by both the Parent/Guardian and the Student.
The ICP Teen Academy program requires students to attend every class. Attendance is mandatory. Absences must be documented or otherwise explained. As a scholarship student, three or more absences will result in dismissal from the program. Punctuality is critical and tardiness beyond 15 minutes (unless documented or otherwise explained) will be considered an absence.
If accepted, I give _______________________________ (print student name) permission to participate in the ICP Teen Academy Program Winter 2014.
Print Parent/Guardian Name Student Signature Date
If accepted, I, _____________________________ (print student name), agree to attend all classes according to the sched- ule. If I am unable to attend the class, I will contact the Instructor in advance.
Print Student Name Student Signature Date
Parent/Guardian (Please complete this section)
Scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate both a committed interest in the class as well as financial need. In order to assess financial need, we require the following information and supporting documentation outlined on the following page. Applications for financial aid will NOT be considered unless the entire application is completed by all parents/guardians of Teen Academy applicants.
Teen Academy Scholarship Application Winter 2014
Who does the student live with? Both Parents Mother Father
Legal Guardian Relative / Other
Who claims the student on their taxes?
Both Parents file together Mother claims student Father claims student “Other” claims student:
No one files taxes
What is parent’s marital status as of today?
Married/Remarried Divorced/Seperated Single
Parent Single Parent Legal Guardian Other, please specify
Name Phone Address Total Income 2012 (including child support, if applicable) Expected Income 2013
Parent Single Parent Legal Guardian Other, please specify
Name Phone Address Total Income 2012 (including child support, if applicable) Expected Income 2013
B. C. D.
Number of children (under 18) in household______ Annual household school tuition costs (what the school(s) charge(s))_____________ Annual financial aid awarded for tuition _____________
ICP Tuition is $785 (includes all fees). Based on your financial means, please indicate what you are able to contribute toward ICP tuition _______________ (Must be above $25*)
*This amount will be required on or before the first day of class.
The monetary value of a scholarship includes: $700 for tuition, $55 materials fee, $30 registration fee, and darkroom sup- plies (average costs $90).
Unusual Circumstances
Loss of job Recent Separation/Divorce Illness, Injury, or Medical/Dental Change in family living status Change in work status Bankruptcy Death in the family
Income and/or child support reduction
Other, please specify: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
Teen Academy Scholarship Application Winter 2014
Please attach the following:
If you receive taxable income: A copy of your 2012 Federal Tax return with all W-2 forms
If you receive non-taxable income: Proof of public assistance (e.g. social services grant letter-AFDC or TANF, food stamps verification, and/ or Social Security benefits statement from 2012) OR If you receive “other” non-taxable income, please provide an explanation below: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
Proof of tuition costs (example: school’s brochure stating costs or a bill from the school) If applicable, financial aid award letter from school
Unusual Circumstances All supporting documentation, as related to section F
I certify that the information offered in this application is true and complete. I agree to inform ICP Community Programs staff promptly in writing of any financial resources that may become available to me subsequent to the completion of this form. If my child is admitted, I understand that I must re-file this form for each term that he/she applies to Teen Academy.
Parent Signature Print Name Date
Teen Academy Scholarship Application Winter 2014

Lincoln Center's NYC Youth Poet Laureate... DUE: December 15, 2013

Poet Linc logo

Apply to Poet-Linc—Lincoln Center Education’s
vibrant poetry slam!

In partnership with the NYC Youth Poet Laureate program, the David Rubenstein Atrium at Lincoln Center bursts with creativity from teens and professional guest poets in the spring of 2014
Poet-Linc is a FREE program for poets between the ages of 13 and 19. Participants enjoy:
 Writing and performance workshops with professional teaching artists
 Performing and competing for prizes at Lincoln Center
 Publishing work in Lincoln Center’s exclusive book of poetry


Bank of America Student Leaders... Summer 2014... FREE... Due: ASAhumanlyP

Preparing high school students for leadership is an essential component of our community investments. We also recognize the pressing issue of finding youth employment as large numbers of young people search for work experience that will translate into long-term success.

Our Student Leaders program connects young leaders with employment that helps to give them the necessary tools and resources they need to advance. Through the Student Leaders program, we recognize high school juniors and seniors who step outside of the classroom to contribute service in their own communities and beyond. Student Leaders are awarded paid summer internships with local nonprofit organizations and participate in a Student Leadership Summit held in Washington, D.C.

The Student Leaders program is an eight-week summer experience for high school juniors and seniors. The program includes a paid internship with a local nonprofit organization as well as the Student Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C. The program gives Student Leaders the opportunity to develop and apply leadership skills through hands-on community work experience while discovering their own talents for serving their community and leading others.
To become a Student Leader, you must:
  • Currently be a junior or senior in high school
  • Be able to participate in an 8-week paid internship at a local nonprofit/charitable organization and work 35 hours a week
  • Be legally authorized to work in the US without sponsorship through the end of September
  • Be able to participate in a week-long Student Leadership Summit in Washington, DC. (All expenses paid as part of the Student Leaders Program. This week will be part of your 8-week experience.)
  • Be a student in good standing at your school
  • Obtain a letter of recommendation from a teacher, guidance counselor, or school administrator.